Chapter 5

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NATO and CIA kept guard of the room at the far end of the hallway near the back of the building. The world meeting was currently in session and UN had you stay in a room far from  where he, the rest of the organizations, and the countries were. NATO was inside by your crib, and CIA was outside the room watching for anybody who wanted to break into the room. 

"Now that I have explained the reason why you are all here today," UN shot up from his seat, slamming his hands against his table in pure anger, "which one of you idiots did it!? Who tried breaking into my house to hurt both me and (Y/N)!?"

EU placed his hand on his friend's shoulder and had him sit back down. He whispered to him, attempting to calm him. 

The countries spoke amongst themselves, many shocked because of the situation that was described to them. They have never seen UN this angry, and since now he has shown this side of himself, some have started to fear him. 

"Until one of you confesses, every single one of you will remain in this building, even if it takes days, weeks, or months. There is enough room for everyone, so you don't have to worry about that." ASEAN said. 

"It was probably North Korea. He did hate on (Y/N), didn't he?" America leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head.

"Objection!" South Korea exclaimed, turning to the American. "My brother was with me during the time of the break in! He was in his bed asleep while I was listening to K-Pop!"

"Maybe it was Third Reich?" The Nazi perked up and glared at Russia. "He is always up to something."

"My father was in the house making dinner! It couldn't have been him!" Germany said, spinning around to face the Russian. "Maybe it was your father! Or possibly you!"

Russia was taken aback. "My father and I would never do such a thing! Besides, we were both exercising in our gym during the incident!"

"How about France? She was basically obsessed with (Y/N)!" China questioned.

"Me!? Never!" The French woman said. "My husband and my children were out for dinner!"

"That's rather suspicious." Soviet Union tapped his foot on the floor. "One of them—or possibly even all of them—could have snuck away and tried to break into UN's house. I say that it's the capitalist's family!"

"Well, I say that it's you, communist bastards!" America pointed at him.

The arguing continued for some time, and during their arguments, the organizations wrote down what they heard. Using these testimonies, they could determine some suspects or maybe even figure out who actually committed the crime. 

"Enough!" EU shouted, causing the countries to become silent.

"All of you will stay here while we go and examine your statements. We will lock the doors so that none of you try to leave." UN explained. 

The organization stepped down from their seats and exited the room, locking the doors. They headed to where you, NATO, and CIA were to talk things through.

Meanwhile inside the meeting room, the countries gathered up in groups and chatted with each other. No fights were started, it was just loud because of all of the talking. Besides, there were cameras in the room, so they could easily get caught by FBI. He was the one keeping an eye on the security cameras.

Suddenly, the lights flickered and within seconds the room went dark. Mostly everybody panicked, but some were calm and holding onto each other.

When the lights flashed back on, there was a moment of relief, but then a scream echoed throughout the room. The countries turned to Japan who was right next to the dead bodies of North Korea and South Korea.

"What the—" Sweden took a step back.

"Why!? Who would do this!?" Philippines had covered her mouth.

Russia walked over to the bodies and carefully looked at them.

"It seems that North has had his throat and wrists slit while South has been stabbed multiple times through the chest and stabbed once through the head." He described.

"If South was stabbed, then where is the murder weapon?" Vietnam asked.

Russia reached into South's pockets and didn't find it, then he searched North's body and in his pocket was a bloody knife and gloves. They were shoved into the victims pockets.

"Here it is, a knife." Russia held it up. "I also found some gloves."

The double doors on the right were unlocked and the organizations burst into the room with NATO holding you. They noticed the dead bodies and made you face the opposite direction.

"What happened here!?" UN asked.

"The lights turned off then came back on. Once they did, there were two dead bodies on the floor!" America summarized the horrifying experience.

The organizations spoke to one another and quickly came up with a conclusion. 

"Alright, it looks like there is a killer on the loose. FBI and CIA will take the corpses to the dumpster out back. For the rest of you, you are welcome to go home now, however stay inside as much as possible and lock your windows and doors." UN said.

FBI and CIA lifted the bodies up and carried them out through the other doors on the left side of the room. You turned around and saw the countries leaving. You also saw the red blood on the floor, but you didn't think much of it since you didn't know what blood was. 

You were taken to NATO'S house after that murder. UN and the other organizations stayed behind cleaning up the mess and talking things out (besides NATO who took you to his house). You were by NATO'S side the whole time. He refused to let you out of his sight.

Later on at night, UN entered the home and scooped you up into his arms. He was in tears because there had been another murder. Not only that, but the bodies of North and South Korea were gone. 

CIA and FBI were found dead by the side of the building.  Security cameras showed CIA and FBI by the dumpster, then a few minutes later, both of them left. The cameras were shut off though and they malfunctioned, but once they came back on, the Korean brothers' bodies were gone and FBI and CIA's bodies were found.

NATO stood up the whole night on guard again while you and UN slept. 

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