Chapter 11

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He couldn't believe the words that came out of his mother's mouth. He couldn't tell whether she was lying or not about this. Just seeing her evil look in her eyes made her words seem less convincing, but her tone also made her sound like she is saying the truth.

"Mother, you are mistaken!" Britain verbalized. "You cannot-You must take (Y/N) back, UN adopted them and unless he gave them up to you, then...then..."

British Empire shut him up by placing a finger over her son's mouth. "You don't think that I am telling you the truth, do you? Well, I might look like I am not, but I actually am. Think about it-"

"No!" Britain exclaimed angrily, stomping his boot on the floor and clenching his teeth. He pointed his finger at his mother. "Why don't you think about what you have done? You have already caused too much chaos in the past, and now you want to continue by taking UN's child and destroying the organizations? You were banished for many reasons and honestly you should have just minded your own business and left us alone! You and your small army of old countries could have lived in peace up here, but no, you have chosen to do the complete opposite of that!"

"Blabber about your silly thoughts all you want," British Empire raised up and headed to the door, "I have a job to do, so remain in this room while I am gone. If I hear from anyone that you have left this room, you will be punished accordingly."

"I may be your son, but you have no right to tell me what to do! I am a grown man with a wife and children! I will not listen to some clown-!"

His mother turned to him and gave him the most terrifying death glare he has ever seen. Britain took a step back and stared at the floor, afraid.

"Very well, mother..."

She left the room with a smile, the door locking itself as soon as she disappeared into the hallway.

You were in your corner playing with blocks, ignoring their whole conversation. You stacked three blocks on top of each other and were about to add a fourth one, but you noticed Britain's shadow looming over you. You turned to him, your head tilted slightly.

"It seems like we are stuck in here, (Y/N)." He sat down next to you. "I wish I could take you home, but if we get caught escaping then who knows what is in store for us."

You knocked the stack of blocks over and clapped, laughing. Britain chuckled and took out his pocket watch, checking the time. You crawled onto his lap, surprising the country. You curl up into a ball and reach your hand up, grasping his watch and pulling it down to your level. You watch as the red hand spins around in circles.

"Your father and our friends should be coming for us soon, we just have to be patient." The male ran his hand through your hair and up and down your back. "Hopefully they find us quickly, I do not know how much longer I can stay in this building before I start to go insane."


UN stared out the window growing more impatient and upset every minute that passed by. All he saw were trees, vines, and bushes, but no sign of a building anywhere as the vehicles drove on the dirt road. He was worried about you and Britain.

EU placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, catching his attention.

"We'll find them. It might take a while, but I know that British Empire won't harm them. You don't have to worry about them too much."

"Do you think that they'll be okay though? I know (Y/N), they would attempt to escape the building or wander free. What if they get hurt? What if they get lost? I can't imagine what situations they could get into." UN fidgeted with his fingers.

"Britain will care for (Y/N). He is a father with four kids. If he can handle them, then he can handle (Y/N) just fine. He will keep an eye on them and make sure that they don't try to leave the building and get lost in the woods."

UN smiled weakly and calmed himself a little bit. "Alright, if you say so."

Germany and Russia were in the same vehicle as them but far up front sitting quietly. They didn't even look at each other, but once Russia heard the German cry, he became concerned and perked his head up. He faced the country and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you okay, Германия?" The Russian asked.

"What? O-Oh, uhmm...yes. I am fine." Germany replied, wiping tears off his cheeks.

"You clearly are not. Is it what your father said that made you sad?"

The country didn't answer, instead he stayed quiet and decided to ignore his comrades' questions. However, Russia knew that it was the words that his father had said to him that made him upset.

"Look, my father was not always nice to me when I was young either. He was a jerk at times, but I got through that. Your father still loves you, he must have just said that to lower your confidence...or something."

Germany sighed and sat up, turning to him. "I doubt it. He would never say that to me if he truly still loved me as his son."

"Once we get back home, if your father isn't there, then you still have your grandfather. He will be there for you." Russia said.

The conversation ended there with both men facing away from one another. For the rest of the ride, the countries remained silent.



Германия- Germany

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