Chapter 26

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"N-No! It's not true!" Germany was beyond terrified, however his act of being innocent continued as he hid away the feeling. "I would never do such a thing!" 

The Russian limped toward the country, menacingly glaring at him. Quickly, he reached into the pocket in his brown trench coat and tossed a sickle into the air. He caught it and removed his hand from his wound, full on sprinting at the country. 

"Soviet, don't–!" EU attempted to stop him, but it was no use.

"Your father almost killed my son!" Soviet Union swung, but missed and instead stabbed the wall. Germany jumped out of his line of sight in time but tripped off the end of his heel and fell onto the floor. Using his elbows, he propped himself up. 

Yanking the sickle out of the wall, the Russian spun and faced the German. He raised his weapon and sprinted toward his direction. Germany stumbled, but he got up and ran for it. Reaching into his pocket, he grabbed a small explosive device he created and tossed it onto the floor. Soviet Union stopped in his tracks and threw himself onto the floor facing the opposite way. He put his arms over his head to protect himself. The organizations did the same thing and got down onto the floor. 

The bomb was soon detonated.

Bits and pieces of the ceiling collapsed upon them, but the floor was mostly damaged. A big hole in the ground was made due to the explosion. 

Soviet Union shot himself up onto his feet and rushed over to the organizations, who were buried under the rubble. One at a time, EU, ASEAN, and NATO came out with minor scratches on their skin. Immediately after he helped them, the Russian searched the room for Germany, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"He got away…" The Soviet shoved his sickle back into his pocket.

"I can't believe it…" EU sighed, disappointed. "...Germany...he is one of them?"

The Russian frowned and nodded. "Yes, I am afraid that he is." 

Spotting the suitcase, Soviet headed over to it and bent over, taking it off the floor. He opened it and saw the pictures and writing. Throwing the suitcase aside, he ripped them up and tossed the small pieces of paper into the air.

"Those photos were fake, they were meant to fool you into thinking that UN is dead." 

"How can you be so sure?" ASEAN asked.

"I know Germany like I know his father, they are the same: wicked, evil, sadistic. They only want to see us suffer. Mostly everything Germany has been saying up to this point was a total lie." 

NATO adjusted his cap. "We must leave now before he gets any further. Let's go!"

The men nodded and ran out of the building and made it to the parking lot. They examined their surroundings until they saw a car turn a corner, which they recognized to be Germany's. 

NATO swiftly unlocked his car doors and let the other organizations plus Soviet Union inside. Closing the car door, NATO pulled out of the parking space and sped over towards the direction they saw Germany head.

Australia washed the dishes as the rest of his family sat at the dinner table chatting about their day. Britain was silent, keeping an eye on everyone. 

"When America shot the basketball, it got stuck in between the end of the hoop where the screws are and the board. It's still stuck up there." Canada told his mother. 

"Yeah, I'll get it down later though." America said.

"As if, you lazyass." 

"Now, now boys, we aren't going to start fighting, are we?" France put her hands on her hips.

"No, mom." The two boys say in unison.

Britain stood up and grabbed his cane. "France, dear, may you please come with me?"

The room grew silent. 

"Of course." She smiled and pushed her seat back, standing up and walking over to her husband. Britain took her hand and led her upstairs.

"Shit!" America cursed, turning to his siblings "Does dad know?"

"No, he can't know." Canada became more anxious. 

Australia, as his brother's weren't looking, stretched his arm out, gripped onto the handle of a drawer, and pulled out a knife. Slowly, he stuffed it into his pocket and hid it underneath his shirt after pushing the drawer closed.

"I am going up." 

America and Canada snapped their heads to look at him.

"Are you crazy!?" 

"You're going to get both yourself and mom killed!"

The Australian shook his head and set the final dish onto the cloth. "You underestimate my skill."

"If you're going, then I am too." Canada stood up and pushed his chair in.

"Me too." 

Australia motioned for them to follow him. 

The three brothers snuck upstairs, making sure not to make a single sound when going up the steps. 

"Where do you think they went?" Canada questioned his brothers. 

"I assume they went to their room." Australia responded in a low whisper. "Where else would they go anyways?"

"Besides, why would they have gone into our rooms? They're messy as hell." America said.

The brothers made their way down the hallway until they reached their parents room. Putting their ears up against the door, they listen in to their conversation.

"No, Britain. Our sons and I have promised we would never tell anyone. We all know the consequences."

"I have a feeling you are lying to me, love."

"I am not. I will even go through extreme measures just to prove to you that we are not planning any sort of scheme."

"Tell me, how much do you care for young children?"

"I care a lot for children, Britain. No young child should ever be harmed."


"Britain? Britain!? What are you doing!?" 



"Tell me the truth, now!"

"I am telling you, we are not up to anything! I promise!"

"Then why are America, Canada, and Australia on the other side of our door listening in to our conversation!?"

"They're concerned, Britain!"

"Concerned? Concerned about what? Getting found out about your plan, France?"


"I knew it, you liar!"

Australia burst into the room, pulling the knife out of his pocket and tackling his father to the floor.

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