Chapter 17

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Britain clenched onto the side of his hand as he hissed in pain, holding in the scream. You have bit him for the—well, you don't know, but it has probably been over ten times. Out of the ten, you have made him bleed twice with your tiny teeth. Although you had a few of them, they were quite strong and painful whenever you bit someone. 

British Empire wasn't happy with your behavior. She held in the urge to punish you since you were still young, but she couldn't hold it in any longer. She picked you up after tending to her son's wounds again and took you to a separate room in the underground shelter. She set you in the middle of the room, which was pretty small. It was full of shelves and there was a vent up on the highest shelf. 

"I really did not want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice, love." She switched off the lights and walked out of the room, locking it behind her. You attempted to get out as she shut the door, but you didn't make it in time. Now, you were stuck in a dark room with your only source of light being underneath the door. You couldn't see a thing, but you somehow knew that maybe your eyes might just adjust themselves to the darkness. 

You took no time though, you had to get out of there. Feeling your way around, you bumped into the side of a shelf headfirst. Even if it did hurt, you rubbed your head and moved on. You used your hands and feet to climb up the shelves, making sure to be extra careful. Your eyes got used to the dark and you made the rest of your way up the shelves until you reached the top. 

The vent was screwed shut, but it looked rusted and old enough to possibly just break through the cover. You grabbed the first big, heavy, and conveniently placed object you touched and smashed it against the cover. You did that a couple more times before there was a hole big enough for you to crawl through. 

You entered the vent and crawled your way through it, even if it was difficult for you to see anything. You bumped into a few dead ends here and there, but you eventually reached a vent cover where light was emitting through it. You peaked through it and saw that it was a room filled with weapons and armor. No one was in there, so you decided to try and drop down into the room. 

Thankfully, there were some shelves for you to crawl onto and make your decent onto the floor.

"UN, I found something!" Belarus spoke into the radio transmitter. 

"What did you find?" The organization responded excitingly yet nervously.

"It's a secret door that seems to lead underground. Should I go through with Ukraine and Kazakhstan?" The country asked.

"No, let us all group up by the entrance so you can show us where this hidden door is." UN felt like he was close to finally finding you.

The countries and organizations grouped up together with Belarus and her two other siblings arriving last. She gestured for them to follow her, making their way through rubble and debris that had fallen from above on the ceiling. They held their guns close and kept an eye out for any enemies, who they would shoot—but not kill, instead injure them—on sight. 

Soviet Union bashed his body against the hard to open door until it eventually collapsed and fell down some stairs, creating a lot of loud noise. UN went in first with everyone else trailing behind him. They kept their guard up and were on high alert.

The room they entered was empty with only a couple of beds and couches with some chandeliers to light up the room slightly. There was another door across the room. 

"I could have sworn I heard running footsteps." Kazakhstan said, aiming his gun around the room. He couldn't see any enemies.

"Unless…" EU shot a bullet, which cut the string holding a chandelier. It fell behind a bed, but before it could hit the floor, an enemy soldier came out and pointed their gun at them. A bunch more of them came out as well and surrounded them.

"Slide your weapons over to us and kneel." One of the masked and cloaked countries demanded.

"No! How about you drop your weapons and kneel?" France questioned.

"You dumb country, don't you see that you are the ones that are surrounded?" Another enemy said. "Now listen to us and do what we told you to do!"

UN scowled and glanced around the room. He slid his weapons over to them and kneeled, receiving some confused looks from his people. UN nodded to them, and although they wanted to fight so badly, they slid their weapons across the floor and kneeled. UN, Russia, Soviet, and France were especially angry.

A third enemy inched themselves closer to another door. "Alright, we've got them."

The door opened to reveal British Empire, her son following behind her. 

"Where is my child, you witch!?" UN shouted.

"Temper, temper." The woman smirked. "(Y/N) is doing fine, I just left them in a dark room next to the one I was in. They were behaving horribly, so I had to punish them."

"That's because they hate you." Ukraine said, causing the British woman to gasp. She was clearly offended by this.

"Why would you do that!?" ASEAN looked up at her. "They are just a young child, you monster!"

"Indeed, but it will teach them a lesson." British Empire walked up to UN, crouching down in front of him. 

Britain stood by the door and watched his mother. He reached into his pocket, his breath shaking as he pulled out a deagle. 

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