Chapter 8

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The next day, UN announced he was going to search the mountainsides for you during an emergency world meeting. He asked if anyone wanted to volunteer to go with him, EU, ASEAN, and NATO. To his surprise, many countries rose from their seats and declared with seriousness that they were going to help him and the organizations find you. Weapons were loaded into combat vehicles the same day, and as that was happening, the countries who volunteered prepared themselves for the worst. This was British Empire they were talking about, one of the most feared countries who tortured and almost killed countries like Australia, America, and India. 

The vehicles soon drove off and they were off toward the mountains. The countries wore their armor and held their guns in hand ready to battle a whole group. They talked to each other about their pasts and how their lives have changed since then. Soviet Union spoke about his nemesis Third Reich, who sat a few feet away from him. The two men got into a small fight, but it was quickly broken up by Britain, France, Russia, and Germany before it could escalate any further. If the fight had continued, shots would have been fired, literally, and blood would have also been shed.

UN and EU still haven't had their wings fully healed yet, which meant that they could not fly even if they wanted to. They hurt like hell, but they will have to handle it and ignore the pain for now while they are on this mission. 

From one area to another, the vehicles were driven around one mountainside to the next as the countries and organizations scouted the cliffs for any sign of life. Eventually, Japan and Nekomi spotted a huge building off in the horizon. They returned to their vehicles and headed there, and once they made it, they made sure not to park the vehicles too close. They hid them in some bushes and vines to camouflage the vehicles with the forest surrounding them. 

Russia climbed a tree and looked through the gates of the guarded mansion. He saw people with black masks and cloaks standing by trucks and cars having a conversation. They were armed with better weapons than him, which only made them dangerous since they could easily shoot him and his comrades if they were to barge in. Russia jumped off and landed on his feet on the ground. He told UN everything he saw, and the organization—along with everyone else—immediately started thinking of a plan. 

You were sitting on a table facing the mirror as British Empire combed your hair. She hummed a sweet little melody and gently took your hand, grabbing a bracelet and sliding it down your wrist. She also put a necklace around your neck, which matched with hers. She treated you like a princess, and you honestly did not like it, but you had to do what she said or else she'd do something bad like harm UN if she ever got to see him. 

"You look gorgeous! Absolutely fabulous!" She chuckled, spinning you around to face her. "You are so beautiful! Now, let's go downstairs."

She lifted you up into her arms and carried you out of the room. She descended the stairs and took a left down the hallway, where she entered the kitchen and observed the area. You took a look around and examined the cabinets and packaged up fruits and vegetables. There were also knives and plates in the sink and opened cabinets. Overall, the kitchen was kind of a mess and needed to be cleaned.

"Ah! Here we are!" She grabbed a bottle and the container that had the baby formula in it to make milk for you. For herself, she took a spoon from the bottom cabinet and a plate.

British Empire walked toward the fridge and opened it. She reached inside and pulled out a plastic container with some food leftover from yesterday. She closed the fridge and spun around, walking over to the exit of the kitchen.

"Now, where would you like to go eat, sweetheart—?" 

Suddenly, a loud CRASH alerted you and her. British Empire ran out of the kitchen and turned the corner to see a vehicle in the middle of the hallway. The doors swung open and countries in armor came out, one of them looking very familiar to her.

Britain whipped his head around and made eye contact with his mother. His facial expression softened as he lowered his gun.


British Empire scowled. A country who was masked and cloaked rushed up beside her and grabbed you from her hands. British Empire allowed it and demanded he take you upstairs to your room. She told him how he needed to open the door, and soon enough the masked country ran off with you.

You looked over at Britain as you were being taken away. You noticed that UN stood right beside him.

"Dada! Dada!" You exclaimed, catching his attention.

UN aimed his gun at the country taking you, but didn't manage to shoot him since he had already disappeared around the corner.

Once you were upstairs, the country knocked on the door five times, stopping between the fourth knock, then knocking once more. The door opened and they ran inside, shutting behind you both as soon as you were both inside. The country put you in your crib and took off their mask and cloak.

"UN is such a fool for thinking that I would ever change." The male smirked, crouching down in front of you. "I remember when UN almost banished me, but he gave me one last chance."

You stared into his wicked and twisted eyes.

"When I heard about British Empire wanting to take revenge on your father, I joined her little rebellion. UN is such an annoying organization along with all the others." He put on his hat and adjusted it on his head. "Not only do I get to get rid of UN, but also destroy Soviet and his family once and for all!"

The Nazi laughed evilly, his extremely sharp and white teeth showing.

The Daughter/Son of UN [Countryhumans Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now