Chapter 29

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It was a traumatizing day, the deaths of six countries in one day. Although I only really cared for America's family, a deep feeling of sorrow washed through me as images of the German household flashed in and out of my mind. Germany, he was the one who kept coming back, his voice echoing through my head. No one ever knew why Germany had turned to the bad side, and neither have I. He was a sweet and kind country, from what I can remember, but he changed unexpectedly. When my father told me about him, both the past things I could not remember and the things I did remember, I became quite upset. My father would always cheer me up though, and the horrific events of the past have begun to fade away. 

America, he is the one I truly feel more sorrow for. He is now living a peaceful life alone in his own house, but the years of treatments he had to go through...I simply felt bad for him. I go to his house a couple times a week with my father to speak with him and go with him to his family's gravestones. He never visited his father's, not after what crime he had almost committed. He had adopted his own puppy, which is now no longer a puppy and is instead quite big. He named her Shelby.

The rest of the organizations had gone back to work after the incident, but not before holding a world meeting. Everything was explained in the end by NATO. There was a mixture of reactions within the audience, but most were shocked and severely saddened. I remember weeks after that the countries were quiet, everyone was, but soon enough everything went back to normal. The countries began to socialize a lot more, walk about the grass, trees, bushes and flowers; the sun had finally risen from behind the mountains. 

It was indeed unexpected, when the countries were told about Britain being one of the culprits, they spoke to each other, refusing to believe it. They thought it was a lie at first, but evidence soon proved them wrong. It was the same reaction for Germany, since he had made a promise beforehand years ago that he would never become like his father. 

On the day I almost died alongside the organizations, Soviet Union, and America, we were saved by another unexpected group of countries. Russia, German Empire, and Reichtangle had shown up. Russia had shot Third Reich, while Reichtangle shot Germany and Britain. German Empire immediately rushed to us after the bullets had been shot and led us out. I remember being separated from my father for a few days. For those few days, I was being taken care of by the Russian family. 

Now, in the present, the days have become more peaceful without many new issues arising. The hate among the German family has decreased, but has not gone away completely. I visit them every so often when they're not busy. 

"Dad, come on! You're gonna be late!" I place my hand on my hip and hold his suitcase in the other above my neck. 

"I'm coming, sweetie! Let me just get my coffee first!" He shouted from the kitchen.

He quickly speed walked to my position and took the suitcase from my hand. Patting my head, he unlocks the door.

"Happy birthday, sweetheart." He smiled then kissed my forehead.

I rolled my eyes and smiled back. "Thanks, Paps."

He rushed into the garage and entered his car, which I had already started up for him. He waved goodbye.

"Take care!" I waved back, shutting the door as he pulled out of the garage. I locked the door afterwards and put my hands in my jacket pockets. 

I blew out the fire, melting the candles as everybody cheered and clapped. I grinned happily as fireworks shot up into the darkness of the sky. I cut the first cake and placed different pieces onto plates with the help of my father. I then cut even more cakes, since one wouldn't feed about ninety plus countries and the organizations.

"Yo, (Y/N)!"

I turned to the familiar voice. 

"Hey, Ame!" We fist bumped. "How's it been, man?" 

"Great! I taught Shelby some new tricks! Wanna see?" 

I nodded. "Sure!"

He lightly tugged on his dog's leash.

"Alright, first off, sit!" He commented. Shelby obeyed. 

"Good girl!" He tossed a treat to her. The dog caught it in its mouth and ate it. "Now, back-flip!"

Shelby barked and performed a perfect back-flip. I was quite astonished by the action since I have never seen a dog perform such an act. Ame fed her a treat.

"Impressive. What else can she‐?"

"(Y/N)!" My father called for me.

"Shit, well I have to go." I said. "I'll see ya later, okay?"

"See ya!!" America walked off with Shelby.

I popped a piece of gum into my mouth as I approached my dad. "What's up?" I asked, chewing the substance.

"Reichtangle and German Empire are here to see you." He said.

"Oh. Where are they?" I glanced around.

I suddenly felt someone touch my shoulder. Spinning around, I see Reichtangle smiling happily and German Empire looking down at me.

They are freakishly tall.

"Hello!" I greeted.

Reichtangle waved while German Empire bowed politely. 

"What a beautiful place to hold a party at." The Empire commented. 

"I know, right? I picked it out myself!" I clapped my hands together. "How are you guys doing?"

"Just fine, Reichtangle here was actually very excited to see you. He wanted to ask you something."

I tilted my head in confusion. "Oh really? What is it?"

German Empire eyed his companion. They nodded at one another. He then looked back at me.

"He has been serving my family for decades now, and he would like to know if you would take him. He wants to protect you from any future harm and serve you." 

I had no words. I glanced at my father, who had a face of 'this is your choice.' I then turned and looked back at Reichtangle.

"I accept."

Reichtangle's eyes formed into stars. I laughed as I witnessed him jump up and down like an excited and joyful child. I hugged my father, then German Empire, and lastly Reichtangle. 

This is the best birthday party ever.


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