Chapter 21

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"Are they going to be here soon, dad?" 

You were impatient. You simply could just not wait any longer for the guests to start arriving. You have been staring at the door for ten minutes now, expecting someone to knock on it and your father to go unlock it for them. You have just about lost hope, thinking that nobody would come celebrate your special day. 

Your father, UN, had just put the last pin into the wall to keep the banner up, which read 'Happy Birthday, (Y/N)' with an exclamation point at the end and your favorite decorations drawn all around the words. He wore his usual suit and pants with his one wing sticking out the side. His shoes were polished and cleaned.

"Soon, sweetheart. You must be patient and wait for them to come." He stepped down the small ladder and picked it up. He went upstairs and put it into the attic, coming back a few minutes later. 

You fiddled with your fingers, now becoming nervous and anxious. 

Knock, knock, knock…

You perked up and jumped out of your seat, sprinting to the door. You stopped to the side of it and turned to your father, who was two steps behind you. You smiled up at him and he returned it, opening the door for the first guests. He greeted them and the guests greeted you. 

Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia were the first three to make it along with ASEAN, which would make that four. Malaysia scooped you up into her arms and carried you over to the couch, where she sat upon the cushions and set you down on her lap. Indonesia and Philippines sat on both sides of her. 

"Yo, happy birthday (N/N)!" Indonesia tickled your stomach a little bit, causing you to giggle. 

"Yeah, how old are you becoming twerp?" Philippines asked, you turning your small head to look up at him.

"Five." You said, afterwards the country ruffled your hair. You giggled again and brushed his hand off in a playful manner.

"What do you wanna do, huh? Hide and seek? Tag? Freeze tag? Red light, green light?" Malaysia went on mentioning some games.

You thought for a moment, raising your index finger up to your chin. 

"Hide and seek and tag together!" You finally said, getting the trio of countries excited. They remembered when they used to play this game when they were young, but since they are much older now, these kinds of games get more intense. 

"Ohhhh, alright let's do it!" Indonesia shot up from his seat. Philippines and Malaysia followed with you being carried to the starting area, which was your backyard. 

Philippines volunteered to count first, so you and the two other countries rushed off to go find a hiding spot. You had a great advantage since you were small and could reach places where the trio couldn't, but there were no rules about not being able to hide in impossible-to-get-into areas.

You hid in a small, cramped, and secret compartment in your closet, Malaysia outside behind the shed, and Indonesia in a bush covered in leaves.

"Ready or not, here I come!" The Filipino shouted, beginning to search for his friends.

UN welcomed more countries and organizations into his home, showing them where to put the presents and where to sit down and eat. Many wanted to see you, but you were too busy at the moment.

Britain approached your father holding his hot and freshly made cup of tea in his hand. 

"Greetings, Britain." UN noticed him.

"Hello, UN. How are you and the little munchkin?" The old man questioned, leaning his lower back against the countertop.

"Fairly well, (Y/N) has recurring nightmares of the day your mother kidnapped them." UN took a sip of his soda.

"Ah, to what extent has this nightmare gone?" Britain placed his cup onto the table in front of him.

"It has been going on for weeks now. I can't make them stop, no one can." Your father answered.

"Until which event does the nightmare finally end? After my mother died? Or before that?"

At this point, Britain was curious yet concerned about this issue.

"From what I remember them telling me in the morning—and the previous times they have spoken about it—after they were saved by Third Reich."

The British country sighed. "It may be possible that somewhere deep within (Y/N)'s soul is a truth they do not know but really want to find out about."

"What truth would they want to discover though? Every event in their nightmare has truly happened. What else could there be?" UN became slightly stressed just thinking about this. 

"Since their nightmare has ended during the time where they were rescued by Third Reich, that may be a clue." Britain suggested. "Consider spending more time with them, try to get them to reveal what may be bothering them."

UN nodded. "Thank you, Britain."

"My pleasure." The British country waved as he walked off into the crowd of countries.

Meanwhile, Philippines was still in search of his friends. He found Malaysia behind the shed and chased her around, finally tagging her. They were both looking for you and Indonesia now. They have passed by Indo multiple times now, and not once have they gotten too close to you. Yes, they searched the house, but didn't bother to go into your room. The two thought it would be too obvious.

Indonesia made a stupid decision and left his hiding spot, walking over to another bush. He ducked behind it and waited a little but until he thought it was safe to get back up and move. 

What a huge mistake.

Philippines and Malaysia suddenly appeared standing in front of him. They both tagged their friend. 

"Dammit!" Indonesia smiled weakly and chuckled.

"Help us find (Y/N). They're a really good damn hider." Malaysia said.

"Have you tried checking their room?" Indonesia asked, the two countries shaking their heads.

"Dumbasses! Try checking their room!" The Indonesian left his spot and made his way towards the house, his friends trailing behind him.

The Daughter/Son of UN [Countryhumans Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now