Chapter 24

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New Zealand's mutilated corpse was discovered underneath a bridge the next morning. A trail of blood led to a wall on the opposite side of the structure, which had a small message written in blood. America, Australia, and Canada were going out on their daily walk when they found their younger sibling's dead and cold body after following the blood trail. Originally, the trio had thought New Zealand left early to get the walk over with, but it seems they were wrong. Now, the three were recovering from the horrifying sight they saw. France, after hearing one of her children had been murdered, was devastated and asked to be left alone. Britain too heard about the terrible news alongside France. He also had the same reaction as his wife and both went into their room to cry it out. 


Those were the words inscribed on the wall before New Zealand's demise. It was speculated he wrote the message as a way to warn the countries and organizations about something, but they didn't know what. 

UN approached Germany, who was scrutinizing the scene. The country heard his footsteps and stood up, turning around to look at the man.

"His funeral will be held in a couple days from now." The organization said. "What have you found out so far?"

"Well, after inspecting New Zealand's body, I have come to the conclusion that his death occurred around 11pm last night. He was stabbed once, then he made an escape and ran for some time before he was finally ambushed, stabbed ten times in the chest, and twice in the head." Germany described.

UN sighed. "Poor Kiwi, I truly feel terrible for his death. Whoever killed him will be brought to justice and punished properly." 

"Yes, I hope he rests well." Germany looked up at the clear blue sky, then he turned his attention back to UN. "I have done all I can. New Zealand's body will be carried away and everything will soon be cleaned up."

"Thank you, Germany." UN shook hands with the country. "You are a big help in all of this."

"Anytime, sir. I will be taking my leave now. My father wants me to get home before lunch." The country bowed and walked away afterwards. 

UN was left alone staring at the three words written across from him on the wall underneath the bridge. He stood there for minutes until someone eventually came and tapped him on the shoulder. The organization flinched and almost fell backwards, but he caught himself.

"Oh my, my apologies for scaring you, UN." Britain said. "You have been staring at the message for five minutes now. It worries me very much. You miss your son/daughter, I can tell...we can all tell."  

"Oh," UN looked off to the side, "yes, but I am extremely sorry for your loss. Only if we had caught my son/daughter's kidnapper, then New Zealand wouldn't have been dead. For all we know, the kidnapper could have been the one who murdered New Zealand."

Britain tilted his head downwards and smiled sinisterly. "Yes, the kidnapper could have possibly been the murderer as well."

"What should we do?" UN asked the old man. "I am stressed out and cannot think right now."

Britain placed his hand on his shoulder. "We will find (Y/N), I promise you. Do not stress about it. If you do, things will only get worse within your mind."

There was a moment of silence.

Britain raised his cane and pointed it at UN with a happy smile. "Let us go to my house, there we can have a cup of tea and calm you down."

"Why thank you, Britain. I would love that." UN smiled back. "I need to clear these awful negative thoughts off my mind and focus on figuring things out."

Britain gently ushered UN forward. "Come along now, let us go."

The British country drove UN to his house. America, Canada, and Australia were in their rooms asleep while France was out buying some groceries from the store. Although she wanted to stay in her room all day, she had to leave to run some errands. 

Britain poured water into two separate mugs and added the teabags into each one.

"Britain, if any other of your children were to die, what would you do?" UN questioned.

"I would want them back. I would be broken as well as France, two lost souls to forever roam the darkness without our children. My wife and I would mourn over them for weeks, months, or even years. Everyday we would probably visit their graves and bring them flowers." Great Britain explained, of course, lying about his true emotions. 

"If I forever lost (Y/N), I too would be broken to the point beyond repair." UN frowned. "I would probably have nightmares of them being killed over and over again, taken away from me. I love them too much, I just wouldn't forget about them. I would be haunt by them each and every single day."

The old man finished brewing the mugs of tea and brought them over to his friend. He handed one to him and sat down on another, smaller couch. 

UN took a few gulps of his hot and fresh tea and set it down on the coffee table in front of him.

Great Britain suddenly began to cackle a couple minutes later, concerning the organization.

"What's so funny, Britain?" UN asked.

"You really are a fool, United Nations." The country grinned wickedly. "(Y/N) has been with me the whole time.~"

"Wh-What!?" UN shot up from his seat on the couch.

Great Britain stood up holding his cane in his hand like a weapon. "They are in my basement, alive, so don't worry too much about them.~"

He began to slowly walk towards UN.

The organization backed away, but he hit something behind him. He attempted to spin around, but his mouth was covered by a black gloved hand. The person holding them pressed him against their body.

"I wouldn't struggle, United Nations." A familiar German said. "You do want to see your precious little boy/girl, don't you?~"


Seconds later, UN started to feel dizzy and exhausted. His eyes slowly began to close. 

"Gute Nacht, UN.~"

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