The story of Y/n Holland Part 4

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*Katie walks out*
You: Um hi Katie
Katie: What are you doing here
You: Getting my stuff from the side of the house.
Katie: Well how did you get here?
You: Um-
Katie: You slept with him didn't you?
You: What who?
*Tom opens the car door and walks out*
Tom: Leave her alone Katie
Katie: Whatever I'm gonna be late for work
You: Oh one more thing!
Katie: WHAT?!?
You: I'm gonna need MY car back
Katie: Ugh fine I'll just walk to work
*she throws you the keys*
You: Good luck with the rent!!
*you and Tom go back to His house, you arrive and walk inside*
Tom: Ok well you can take a shower now
You: Is anyone else here?
Tom: Ya Haz, Harry, Sam and paddy are still here why is everything ok?
You: Well I was gonna invite you in.
*you wink and close the bathroom door*
In Toms head: Oh my god she's so god damn HOT!!! I have to impress her today
Haz: Hey Tom what you doing mate?
Tom: I'm trying to find a outfit to impress Y/n
*Harry walks into Toms room*
Harry: you like her don't you?
Tom: What? No!
*he starts to blush*
*sam and paddy walk in to*
Sam: You definitely do Mate
Tom: Ok fine I do but don't tell her I want to ask her if she feels the same way
Haz: Well Maybe we could talk to her
Tom: Ok but what outfit?
*you shout from the bathroom*
You: Hey tom Can you get me a towel please?
*he shouts back*
Tom: Yeah! Hold on!
*haz throws Tom a towel*
*tom cracks open the door and hands you a towel without looking at you*
*about a minute goes by and you come out the bathroom in a towel not knowing all the boys were sitiing right there*
You: Oh I didn't realize you all were right here in just gonna go get my outfit
*nervous laugh*
*you get your clothes and run back into the bathroom and change into some jean shorts and a white t-shirt with your swimsuit underneath*
Tom: Wow Y/n you look Beautiful
*he starts to blush*
You: Thank you Tom, was I holding up the bathroom?
Haz: Oh no Tom was just talking to us
*Tom nudges Haz*
You: Oh ok well Z and Jacob are coming right?
Sam: Uh ya they should be here any second
You: Ok it will be so great to finally get some girl time again
Paddy: Wow Y/n
*he laughs*
You: I'm just kidding
*you giggle*
Tom: Ok I'm gonna go get in the shower now
You: Ok
*you kiss Tom on the cheek and sit down on the couch*
*Tom goes into the Bathroom and while Toms taking a shower the boys start asking you questions*
Harry: So It seems you guys are a little friendly
You: Oh Um I mean
*you start to blush*
Sam: You like him don't you?
You: What? Um-
Sam: You totally do!
You: Ok fine, Fine I do I mean the first day we meet we locked eyes and that's how I knew he was perfect
Haz: Awwww thats so cute
*you guys all laugh until the doorbell rings*

The end of chapter 4

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