The Story Of Y/n Holland Part 18

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*you guys leave*
You: Ok see you guys there
*you guys make it to the festival*
You: This is So cool
*a little girl comes up to you and Tom*
Girl: Are you Y/n?
You: Yes I am
Girl: Your so cool!
You: Aww thank you sweetie
Girl: BYE!!!
Tom: Well that was cute
You: She was so cute!
Tom: Well Are you hungry?
Tom: Yes
You: I have been craving One of thosse for sooooo Long
Tom: Ok you stay here I will go get you one
You: YAY!!!
*you pick up scar jr and Kiss her in the forehead*
Chris E: Me And The boys are gonna go on some rides!
Scarlett: Ok Have fun!
Lizzie: So Y/n When do you want to go dress shopping?
*you look over at tom*
You: Lets go tommrow?
Scarlett: Yes!!!
You: Ok
*about 5 hours pass and you guys are back home*
You: Ok Bye Guys!
Scarlett: Bye Girl See you tommrow!
Tom: What's Tommrow?
Tom: Oh my gosh! I didn't know!
You: Well it was kind of planned out an hour ago
*he laughs*
Tom: Ok well have fun
*the next morning*
You: Ok Bye handsome Im leaving!
Tom: See you later!
*you leave and see Scarlett outside waiting*
Scarlett: You ready?
You: So ready
*you get in the car and start driving to The Dress shop*

To be continued

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