The story of Y/n Holland Part 5

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*the doorbell rings*
You: Oh that must be Z and Jacob?
Sam: Ill get it.
*he opens the door*
Sam: Hey guys!
*you walk Over too the door*
Z: Oh hey um you must be Y/n right?
You: Yes i am how did you know
Z: Well it's all over the internet
You: You're so pretty by the way, You've always been a romodel for me!
Z: Aww, i love that.
Jacob: You guys ready?
You: Yeah, we're just waiting for Tom to get out of the shower.
*tom comes out of the bathroom dressed in a red Hawaiian shirt with his wet hair blowing in the wind*
You: Wow he's Hot
*everyone looks at you and Tom start to blush*
You: Oh shit did I say that out loud?
*everyone laughs*
Haz: Ok! Let's go!!
*everyone leaves and heads to the beach*
*you make it to the beach and get out of the car*
You: Wow this place is so beautiful
Tom: Not as beautiful as you
*you giggle and start to blush*
*while everyone runs off to the water Tom grabs you*
Tom: I have a surprise for you come this way
*he leads you at a candle lit cabana with a bunch of rose pedals and food*
You: Oh my god Tom did you do this all for me?
Tom: Yes and I have something to ask you
*he grabs your hand and stares into your eyes*
Tom: Ever Sence we Met I can't stop thinking about you and I love everything About you will you be my girlfriend?
You: Oh my god Tom, YES!!
*you pull him in and give him a long passionate kiss*
You: But why? You said we were moving too fast!
Tom: I've had a lot of time to think and I'm madly in love with you y/n!
You: Aww, I'm madly in love with you too!
Tom: Ok well, Let's go tell everyone the good news!
*you guys run back over to the others*
You; Hey guys
Z: Hey y/n where have you been?
Haz: Ya where have you guys been?
Tom: Well me and Y/n have some good news ...
we're together now!
Harry: Oh my god mate that's so exciting!
You: Thanks Harry
*you smile*
Tom: Ok let's get in the water!
*about 30 minutes go by and you see Z and Haz sneak off so you follow them*
*you see Haz and Z making out*
*they break the kiss*
Haz: Y/n!! It's not what it looks like!
You: It's fine im happy for you guys! But why did you sneak off?
Z: Becuase we're not ready too tell anyone! So Please don't Tell anyone about This!
You: Ok my lips are locked
Tom: *walks in* Oh hey Y/n I've been looking for you *you and Tom Kiss*
Z: Me And Harrison are dating!
You: I thought you were gonna wait!
Tom: WHAT?
You: I saw them making out earlier and they said they wanted to keep it a secret for longer!
Tom: I'm happy for you but why would you keep it from me?
Haz: Because you and Y/n have been through so much we didn't want to overwhelm you
Tom: It's ok I'm happy for you guys but me and y/n are gonna go home it's been a long day!
*at Toms house*
You: Hey Baby have you seen my purple hoodie?
Tom: Um ya it was on the bathroom counter
You: Thanks baby
*you kiss him and run to the bathroom all of a sudden you feel nauseous and start throwing up while Tom is making breakfast*
Tom: Omg are you ok Darling?
You: I think I'm pregnant


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