The story of Y/n Holland Part 11

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You: I got the role!
Tom: Really?!
Tom: I'm gonna call Z Robert Scarlett, Both Chris and maybe ask if they want to come for dinner tonight so we can tell them the news?!?
You: YES!!!!!
*tom calls everyone and tells them to come over*
*about 4 hours go by and you hear a nock on the door*
*you open the door and see Z standing there*
You: Omg Z! I missed you girl!
Z: Hey y/n!! I missed you to and now you can meet my beautiful family
Haz: Hey y/n!
You: Hey Haz I'm so glad you could come
Haz: We have someone you should meet
*they hand there baby boy to you*
You: OMG!!!!! He's so adorable what's his name?
Z: his names is Josiah!
You: He is so cute
Tom: Hey Z hey Haz!
*you hear another nock on the door and see Scarlett standing there*
Scarlett: Hey beautiful! I missed you!
You: Hey scar! I'm so glad you came
Scarlett: Wouldn't miss it For the world!
You: Will you hold Scarlett jr for a sec I have to go find Tom
*you look for Tom and see him getting ready*
You: Hey baby
Tom: Hey beautiful
You: Scarlett just got here
Tom: Ok I will be out in a second
You: Are you ok Tom
Tom: Uh ,ya why wouldn't I be
You: Your acting weird and you squint your eye when your lying What's wrong?
Tom: I was on Instagram earlier and i saw some hate comments and some good comments but more hate comments.
You: Is that why your upset? Tom it's ok I see that all the time What matters is that we are happy
Tom: Ok well there waiting let's go
*you and Tom walk out*
Scarlett: Chris and Robert should be here any second
*you Hear a nock and see Both Chris's and Robert standing there*
You: Hey guys it's so good to see you guys!
Robert: Hey Y/n!
Tom: Hey everyone! Y/n Has some good news for you all!
Scarlett: Oh are you Pregnant again?
Robert: Are you and Tom getting married?
You: No and No
You: I got the role to Be Peters Love interest!
Chris E: That's So awesome!
Scarlett: YESSSS! Now we can film together!
*you see Z walk outside so you follow her*
You: Hey Z is everything ok?
Z: No Y/n It's not
You: What's Wrong?
Z: I Tried out for that role to And I didn't get it

To be continued.....

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