The Story Of Y/n Holland Part 14

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Scarlett: To go Get That bitch
Tom: No! Thats CRAZY! Your not doing that
Robert: We would Do anything to Protect you
Tom: But that's Not Protecting me, That's going And Hurting someone Else, Even if it's not Physical you would still be hurting someone, You can not do that!
You: I agree With Tom! You guys can not do that! Everyone will know what she did.
Scarlett: Definitely, She will not get away with this
Tom: Thank you Guys!
*group Hug*
Tom: I love you guys
*about 7 months go by*
Tom: Hey baby?
You: Yes my love
Tom: Have you seen Scarlett jr's Pink dress
You: Maybe in the Dryer or in the bottom of her closet
Tom: Ok thank you
Tom: Do you want to go out to dinner with me tonight? Scar said she'd be watch Scarlett Jr
You: That sounds amazing!
*you kiss him*
Tom: Ok we will leave in about 2 hours?
You: Sounds good
*you start getting ready*
*2 hours pass*
Tom: ok baby you ready?
*you walk out in a Long shiny gold dress, your hair is in a pulled back in a loose Braid*
Tom: Wow- You look- Amazing
You: Thank you Gandsome
*you kiss him*
You: Shall we go?
Tom: We shall!
*you kiss Scarlett jr on the head*
You: Bye my love! Be good for Auntie Scar!
Scarlett: Have fun!
Tom: Thank you scar
*you and Tom get in the car and drive too the restaurant*
You: So where are we going?
Tom: you will see!
*you Guys arrive to the restaurant*
Tom: After you my lady
You: This place is beautiful!
Tom: Not as much as you
*he smiles*
You: awww
*you Guys walk in and get seated*
You: This is amazing!
Tom: I knew you would love it
You: It's right on the beach to!
Tom: yes it is!
*you Guys eat and Start walking out*
Tom: Want to go to the beach! We can even watch the sunset!
You: Yes!!!!!
*you Guys walk to the beach*
Tom: Y/n?
You: Yes handsome?
Tom: I've been meaning to ask you this for a while
You: Yes?
Tom: I have loved you forever! You make me full! You make me happy! You make me me! And I couldn't have made it with you!
Tom: so with that being said.. Will you Marry me?

To be continued

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