The story Of Y/n Holland Part 17

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*you yell so loud you wake Everyone up*
*everyone walks out*
Tom: Is everything ok?
You: Yes everything is ok
Lizzie: Um breakfast is ready!
Tom: Hey Baby Can I talk to you?
You: Uh of course
*you walk into yours and Toms room and close the door*
Tom: So.... I've been Meaning to talk to you
You: About what?
Tom: It Can wait
You: No! Tell me!
Tom: I wanna have another Kid
You: Really?
Tom: Uh ya... but we can wait
You: Well yes we should wait until after the wedding But... I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE ANOTHER KID!
*he picks up and spins you around, He sets you down and Grabs your waist*
*you stare into his eyes and feel his body heat*
*he pulls you in and Kisses you*
*you pull away*
Tom: Well we better get back to The crowd
You: I was thinking we could Go to The huge festival Down the street with everyone? If there willing to go....
Tom: That sounds amazing!
*you guys walk out*
You: Ok everyone listen! We were thinking.. there is a big festival down the street and We were wondering if Everyone wanted to come?
Lizzie: I would love to!
Chris h: Thats sounds good
Scarlett: Sounds fun! I'm in
Sam: ok I'm in
*harry comes out of Scarlett Jrs room and hands her to you*
You: Ok I'm taking all the girls shopping!
Tom: And I'm taking all the boys!
*everyone gets there shoes on*
You: Ok we will meet back here at 5 and get ready?
Tom: Sounds good, I love you!
*you Guys kiss*
*you scar , Lizzie and scar jr all get in the car and start driving to the mall*
*you Guys make it to the mall*
You: Ok We are each gonna pick out an outfit! And I'm buying!
*you Guys find your stuff and make it back home it's now 4: 30 and the boys are back to*
Tom: Hey girls Were back!
*you kiss him*
You: Ok me and the girls are gonna get ready
Tom: Alright
*you and all the girls walk into your and Toms room and shut the door*
You: Ok Will one of you guys give scar jr a bath?
Lizzie: Oh I will!
*lizze starts running her bath water*
Scarlett: I'm sorry about Earlier Y/n
You: It's ok! You were Just drunk
Scarlett: Thank you Y/n
*about 2 hours go by and everyone is ready*
*you guys walk out and All the boys Stare at you Guys*
Tom: Damn... you are so fucking Hot Girl
You: Are you kidding! LOOK AT YOU!
*he picks you up and spins you, he then kisses you for a long 30 seconds*
Lizzie:Ok ok that's enough!
You: Well let's go!

To be continued

This is your Guys outfits:
Yours Is the first 2 Pics
Scarletts is the 3rd and 4th pic
Lizzies is The 5th and 6th
Scarlett Jrs is The 7th and 8th
Toms outfit is the 9th
Chris h's Outfit Is the 10th
Chris E's Outfit Is The 11th
Tom's outfit Is the 12th
Paddy's outfit is the 13th
Harry's outfit is the 14th
And Sams Outfit Is the 15th

This is your Guys outfits: Yours Is the first 2 Pics Scarletts is the 3rd and 4th picLizzies is The 5th and 6th Scarlett Jrs is The 7th and 8th Toms outfit is the 9th Chris h's Outfit Is the 10th Chris E's Outfit Is The 11th Tom's outfit Is the 12...

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