The story Of Y/n Holland Part 16

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Harry: Well what about Z and Haz?
Tom: Uh- Um- I
Harry: I'm so sorry I totally Forgot! Forget I asked
You: Tom are you ok?
Tom: Can someone give me a water please
*he starts Breathing heavy and Grabs your hand*
*he does Your whistle*
You: Oh my god, Come here
*you hug him*
Tom: I I-
You: It's ok! I promise! Let's lay down
*about 2 hours pass and Tom has calmed Down, so you decide To go see how everyone is doing*
*you walk out and see everyone Drunk and Crazy while Lizzie is reading and Not drunk and Paddy is Sleeping on the couch*
You: Ok people thats enough!
*you grab all the drinks and hide them*
Scarlett: (very drunk) Wow y/n why you do that?
You: You all are very drunk, your staying here, NONE OF YOU ARE DRIVING HOME!
Chris H: (very drunk) Aww dang!
*you walk to the spare Closet and Grab every Blanket and Pillow you have*
You: Ok Chris and Scar you guys are sleeping in the first Spear Bedroom, Lizzie and Tom your sleeping in the other spear bedroom, Hemsworth your sleeping on the first couch,
Harry and Sam your sleeping on the floor in Scarlett jrs Room, Robert you can sleep on the other couch and paddy will sleep With me and Tom
Harry:(Drunk) Thanks Y/n
You: Go to bed, ALL OF YOU!! And also , This goes for you, Tom, Lizzie, scar and Chris, NO DOING "it"
Scarlett: Haha we know
*you pick paddy up and Bring him to yours and Toms room*
You: So we have a couple guest Tonight
Tom: is everything ok?
You: yes it's ok! But... Everyone is staying the night
Tom: Let me guess They got drunk?
You: Wow how did you know!
Tom: So that's why paddy's sleeping with us?
You: Yup! I was gonna put him in Scarlett jrs bed and have her sleep in here but She has a crib and paddy wouldn't be able to Fit in there
*tom laughs*
Tom: Thank you for comforting me today...
You: I will always be here for you!
Tom: ok while You ready for bed?
You: Yes just give me 2 minutes, I have to go make sure no ones doing "it"
*you walk out and walk to the first spear Bedroom*
You: You guys good?
*you see scar open the bathroom door and walk out in a Not appropriate Outfit*
You: SCARLETT! what did I say?
Scarlett: Fine I will go change
You: If I hear anything I'm splitting you to up!
*you walk out and go to the other spear Bedroom*
You: are you guys ok?
*you see Tom passed out and Lizzie Reading*
You: I definitely don't have to worry about you too!
Lizzie: Goodnight Y/n get some rest! Tomorrow I will go to the market really early to get breakfast for everyone!
You: Thank you Lizzie
*you walk back into The first spear Bedroom*
You: Don't be stupid
Scarlett: we're not!
You: Ok fine, go to bed
*you walk back into Your and Toms room*
Tom: Is everyone ok?
You: Yup! Everyone is Fine, You ready for bed?
Tom: Yes of course
*the next morning*
*you wake up and hear Someone in the kitchen*
*you look over and see Paddy and Tom sleeping So You walk out and See Lizzie cooking*
You: Good-morning Lizzie!
Lizzie: Hello Beautiful! Did you sleep ok?
You: I sleepy wonderful! Did you hear anything last night?
Lizzie: You might want to go check On Scar and Chris....
*you run to the spear bedroom and see them Laying on top of each other*
*you Go to the kitchen and Pour Water on there face*
Chris: What the hell Y/n!!!!
You: I made a rule and you broke it!
Scarlett: I don't think even remember Last night!
You: Well, Harry reminded Tom of Zendaya and Tom had a flashback, I went To calm him down and everyone except Lizzie and Paddy got drunk and We're being stupid! And now I find you guys on top of each other!
Scarlett: We're sorry Y/n
You: It's not me you should be apologizing to! Tom was hurt and none of you cared! You guys just got drunk! He needed you and you weren't there!
*you walk out angrily*
Lizzie: I'm sorry Y/n
You: It's not your fault.. It's just I'm tired of people not caring! Tom got SEXUALLY ASSAULTED! NO BODY FUCKING CARES!
*you yell so loud you wake everyone up*

To be continued

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