The Story of Y/n Holland Part 7

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Z: Im pregnant to!
Haz: Yes she is!!
You: So we're gonna be moms together and -
Tom: We're gonna be dads together!!!
Z: Im so happy but i feel horrible
You: Me to
Tom: You girls get some rest me and Haz are gonna run to the store real quick but if you need anything Sam, Harry and Paddy are here
You: Ok I love you Baby
*you and Tom kiss*
*Tom and Haz run into the market and start looking for stuff for you and Z to make you feel better*
*about an hour goes by and Tom and Haz finally get home from the market*
*they walk into Toms room and see you and Z laying there watching TASM 2*
Tom: Oh my god baby your so cute
You: Hey Tommy
*you kiss him*
You: Sit down and watch This with us
Tom: Ok but first we got some stuff for you guys
Z: Oh My god you guys didn't have to do that
*they hand you and Z big giant baskets filled with treats Pjs , blankets, And a bunch of Health care items*
You: Oh my god , This is amazing
*you give him a long kiss*
Z: Im really Tired I'm gonna go lay down in Haz room
You: Ok sleep tight girl!
*Z And Haz leave so you and Tom cuddle and watch TASM 2*
Tom: I love you guys
* he looks at your belly and kisses it*
You: Awwww We love you to Handsome
You: I'm so tired I'm ready for bed
*you and Tom go to bed and wake up at about 4 In the morning hearing a knock on Your and Toms room door*

*you open the door and see Haz standing there*
You: Haz? Is everything ok?
Haz: It's Z we need you
You: Ok I'm coming
*you look over and see Tom still sleeping so you walk out of the room and run to Haz and Z Room*
Z: Y/n? Something is happening to me there's blood everywhere And I can't feel the baby
*Z is crying so hard*
*you hug Z and start googling what it means*
You: Oh my god
Haz: What? Y/n what is it?
Z: Please Y/n ...
You: Your -
*Tom walks in*
Tom: What's going on
*you walk into the hallway and explain to Tom what's happening to Z*
*you guys walk back in to Haz and Z room*
Z: Are you gonna tell us Y/n?
Tom: Z your -
You: Your having a miscarriage ...

END OF CHAPTER 6!!!!!!!!!

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