The story of Y/n Holland Part 10

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You: The baby's coming!
Tom: What?!
You: Get Z and Haz and tell them to hurry and Turn off the stove!
*everyone rushes to the car about 10 minutes later you arive to the hospital*
Tom: My girlfriend is in labor! We need a doctor now!
*about 2 minutes go by and a doctor rushes out with a wheelchair*
*you sit down and everyone rushes to the hospital room*
Tom: Ok everyone, Y/n will be ok I will be with her we will update you!
You: I need Z to be here to
Z: Really?
You: Yes
*screams in pain*
*about 10 minutes go by and Tom runs out of your room telling everyone to come in*
*they walk into your room and see you holding a little baby girl and a baby boy*
You: Everyone meet...
You and Tom: Little baby Scarlett
*you hand Z the baby boy*
You: Congratulations Z! You have a baby boy
Z: Oh my god! This is crazy! He's mine?
You: Yes he is!!
Haz: Thank you so much Y/n Your amazing!
*2 months go by*
Tom: Hey baby?
You: Yes Handsome?
Tom: I was just on the phone with Robert...
You: And?
Tom: I invited him, Chris H, Chris E, Scarlett And Tom over to dinner tonight...
You: Really?
Tom: Are you mad?
You: Are you kidding!! I'm so excited!!! We have to get ready and clean up the house what time are they gonna be here?
Tom: In about 3 hours!
You: Ok , You give Scarlett a bath I will start making dinner!
Tom: Ok!
*about 10 minutes go by and Tom takes Scarlett out of the bath and starts getting her dressed*
You: Ok dinner is in the oven now I just have to find something to wear
Tom: Omg!
You: What?
Tom: How are we gonna tell Scar that we named our baby after her?
You: OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I totally forgot! She's gonna be so happy! She's like a mother figure to me
Tom: Well your Mom is to right?
You: My mom and my Dad died when I was 3 I was fostered ever since I turned 18 and moved in with Katie .. 3 years later and now I'm happy and with the love of my life!
Tom: I'm so sorry Darling...
You: It's ok! Let's get ready they will be here any minute!
*you change into a long flowy red dress that falls down just below your knees ,Your hair is in a braided bun*
Tom: Oh my god... You are so fucking hot!
You: Thank you Tom
*he pulls you in for a kiss until you hear a Knock on the door*
*you and Tom run to the door with Scarlett in your hands*
*you open the door and see Scarlett standing there*
Scarlett: Hey Tom how are you?
Tom: Hey scar!
Scarlett: And you must be the famous Y/n!
You: It's nice to meet you Scar!
Scarlett: And who is this little one?
You: That is Scarlett Jr! We named her after you
Scarlett: You named your Baby after me?
You: Yes we did are are you mad about it?
Scarlett: Mad? I'm so happy!
*you giggle*
You: I'm glad
*you hear another nock*
Tom: I will get it!
*Tom opens the door and sees RDJ, Both Chris's and Tom standing there*
Tom: Hey guys! So glad you guys came!
Chris H: Wouldn't miss it!
*everyone sees you standing there*
You: Hey I'm Y/n!
RDJ: I'm Robert It's very nice to finally meet you Y/n!
Chris E: I'm Chris , Chris Evans
Chris H: I'm Chris , But the better Chris
*you laugh*
You: It's so nice to meet you guys!
Tom (hidelston) :I'm Tom the better Tom
Tom: You wish Mate! Good to see you!
You: This is Crazy I'm Meeting all my favorite People! It's like I'm in a marvel movie!!
*everyone laughs*
Robert: So y/n Are you into acting?
You: I love Acting it's alwyas been my dream!
Robert: Well a new Marvel character just opened up you could be Peter Parkers love interest!
You: What? No i could never I mean I also just had a baby!
*Tom looks at you in the eyes*
Tom: If this is what you want you Need to go for it! We can find a baby sitter for Scarlett jr it will be ok! I just don't want you to give up on your dreams!
You: Are you sure Baby?
Tom: I'm so sure!
You: How Can I audition?
Robert: You send in a video and the next day you get a response From the director to see if your in or not
You: I'm going to audition!
*2 weeks go by and you just submitted your audition video*
You: Ok I'm sending it in!
Tom: Whatever happens I'm so proud of you
*the next day*
Tom: OPEN IT!!!
You: Ok
You: I got it! I got the role!

*to be continued*

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