The Story Of Y/n holland Part 15

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Tom: So with that Being said... Will you marry me?
You: Oh my god!! YES!
*he picks you up and spins you, he set you down and kisses you then puts the ring on your fingers*
You: Oh my god! It's so pretty Tom! I love you so much
Tom: I'm glad you like it! You ready to go tell everyone?
You: Yes! Let's go
*you guys leave the restaurant and make it back home*
You: Hey scar! We're home
Scarlett: Hey beautiful how was you date?
You: Well we have some news but I was thinking of maybe inviting everyone last minute to tell them and then I can order Ice cream or something?
Scarlett: Ok well I will call Robert, Both Chris's, Other Tom and Lizzie
You: Ok is Scarlett Jr sleeping?
Scarlett: Yes she's sleeping already
You: Ok well thank you For Watching her
Tom: Ok I'm gonna call my brothers
You: What about Your mom and Dad?
Tom: They live in London and rarely Visit La
You: Oh I'm sorry
Tom: It's ok
*everyone arrives to yours and Toms house*
You: Hey everyone! Thank you for Coming Last minute, We have wine!
Scarlett: I was looking for that!
*everyone laughs*
Tom: Ok so me and Y/n Have some News!
Harry: Are you Pregnant Again?
Scarlett: Are you getting a new House or car
You: No ,No and no
Tom: We are...
Scarlett:OH MY GOD!!!! Yesssss!!
Robert: Congrats Little ones
Lizzie: I call being the Maid of honor
Paddy: I'm the ring barrer!
Harry: I'm the man of honor!
Chris E: Why you?
Harry: Because then I get to walk Lizzie down the aisle
Chris H: Smart move kid!
Scarlett: Have you decided a date?
You: Not yet but we were thinking in about 5 months?
Lizzie: Can you get a Wedding done The at quick
Sam: With all of us Together we can do it , I can be the Chef
Lizzie: I Can Find Seating and Decor
Robert: I can help Find you a Tux!
Scarlett: And I can help you find a dress!
You: I am so excited! Thank you all for being so supportive!
Chris E: So who is all coming?
Tom: All of you guys, My parents, Some other actors As well and maybe some more but we don't want a Huge wedding
Harry: What about Z and Haz?

To be continued

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