The story of Y/n Holland Part 21

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You: Let's go!
*you guys leave and get in the car*
You: This is amazing!
Tom: What is?
You: Everything, You, our family, life! And it's crazy too think about 3 years ago today I was struggling and at my lowest until I met you, And now we're Engaged!
Tom: I know, I couldn't be more happier! And I know this is kind of off track but what if we invite Andrew and Tobey too are wedding?
You: Really?
Tom: Of course! If they want to, because there very near and dear too both of us!
You: I love that!
*you guys arrive*
Tom: Ok. Well you ready?
You: Yes, Do you have Scarlett's bag?
Tom: Yes
You: Ok, Then off we go!
*you guys get out of the car and see flashing lights and paparazzi*
You: There over there!
*you guys walk over to Tobey and Andrew*
Andrew: TOM?
*they hug each other*
Tobey: I want to be in This
*group hug*
Tom: This is my Fiancé Y/n, and our Little baby Scarlett
Andrew: It's nice too meet you guys!
Tom: I know this is kind of random and out there but we were wondering if you would want to come to our wedding, it's exactly one month away from today, And in London!
Andrew: Well I'd love too!
Tobey: Of course!
Tom: Great! That's great!
Andrew: Well would you guys want to get diner tonight so we can get too know a little more about you guys?
You: Of course! But don't we have to stay for this
Tobey: Oh that's Ok! We've already been here for 2 hours
Tom: Oh well, Of course then!
Andrew: I'll drive!
You: Ok
*you guys get into Andrew's Car*
Andrew: Where too?
Tom: There's This restaurant just up the road, that has a beautiful view of the beach, That's actually we're we got engaged
Tobey: That sounds great!
*you guys get there and get out of the car*
You: It smells so good!
*you pick up Scarlett*
Tom: Can we have a table for 5
Waiter: Right this way
*you guys sit down*
Andrew: You did well Tom! This place is amazing
Tobey: So how did you guys meet?
You: It's kind of funny actually. So basically Me and my best friend was huge fans of Toms for many years, One day my best friend took me too A meet and greet of his, We locked eyes, and then found each other, We then new we were meant for each other.
Tobey: That's beautiful
Andrew: What about this beat friend though?
You: We meet a long time ago and We lived with each other for a while until well I met Tom , Because she was jealous of our relationship and tried too kidnap his brother.
Tobey: Uhm wow.
Tom: It's ok, we laugh about it now
*you guys all laugh*
Tobey: How have you guys made it through all this time?
You: Let's Just say it wasn't easy, I mean many things have happened, Best friend, Co workers, People I gave my child too, Bothers, Parents, Celebrity's, it was crazy but we made it through
Andrew: People you gave your child too?
You: Uhm yeah
*you look at tom*
Tom: You can tell them
*you grab his hand*
You: It was a celebrity that we used to live with, we were both pregnant at the time but she ended up having a miscarriage. We found out we were having Twins so we gave out other baby too them. I will regret that decision every day.
Tobey: Why will you regret it?
*you look at Tom and he shakes his head*
Tom: It's ok, I trust them
You: We both auditioned for a role, I got it and she got jealous, She admitted that she had feelings for him and Her boyfriend who was also toms best friend at the time, got in a fight and It ended in me getting hurt, Tom felt so bad, I stayed at my God moms house and I will never forgive my self for that because if I stayed Tom would have never gotten hurt by her.
Tobey: I'm so sorry.
Andrew: Where is she?
Tom: We lost touch with them ever since, But now we are the happy we have ever been before
Tobey: I'm glad
Andrew: So tell me about This wedding!
You: It's gonna be in a beautiful Spot in London, So that toms family can come and See us get married, Many celebrity's are flying to London, It's not gonna be a huge wedding but it will definitely be a memorable one! We can't wait!
Tobey: That's Amazing
Tom: It will be!
*your song comes on*
(Cherry Wine bye: GrentPerez)
You: TOM!! Let's go!
Tom: What about Scarlett?
Andrew: We got her!
*you and Tom run out too the beach and start dancing*
*you lay your head on his shoulder and wrap your arms around him*
*he starts singing too you*
You: My pretty Boy
*you smile*
Tom: My pretty girl
*he smiles*
*he spins you and you guys start laughing*
Andrew: I wish I had what they have
*Scarlett starts too fall asleep in his arms*
Tobey: Andrew,
Andrew: What?
*Andrew and Tobey look at Scarlett, they both laugh*
*the song ends and you guys run back up too the restaurant*
You: Sorry
Andrew: No need to apologize
Tom: Well she definitely likes you
*you laugh*
You: That's for sure
Andrew: Well you seem like an amazing person Y/n, and your family is amazing
You: Thank you Andrew! I've always been a huge fan of you, all of you guys, you really helped me through this hard but beautiful life.
Tobey: Well I need to get home now, it was great meeting all of you
You: Yes of course
Andrew: It was so very great too meet all of you guys today, I will give you a call and you can tell me about this wedding more!
Tom; Of course!
*everyone hugs goodbye*
Andrew: Do you want her back?
*you guys laugh and Andrew hands her back and she wakes up saying,*
Scarlett: Bye bye!
*he smiles and you guys go home*

To be continued

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