The Story of Y/n Holland Part 8

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You: Your having a miscarriage
Z: What?
*Tears start rolling down Her cheeks*
Z: That cant be possible
You: I'm so sorry Z
*a tear rolls down your cheek*
You: You need to go to the hospital now me and Tom will come with you
*you and tom run to your room grab keys and shoes and run out the door*
*you guys arrive to the hospital and run inside screaming for a doctor*
*about an hour comes by And Haz comes out of Z hospital room*
You: Is everything ok?
Haz: The Baby's gone
Tom: What?
Haz: Our child is gone
You: I have to go see Z
Haz: She's unconscious
You: I'm so sorry Haz
*you give him a big hug and start talking to calm him down*
*about an hour goes by and Harry, Sam and paddy all arrive at the hospital*
Harry: What the hell is happening Is everything ok?
Tom: The baby's gone
*harry looks over at Haz and sees him crying so hard*
Sam: I'm so sorry Haz
Paddy: Is Z ok?
You: She's unconscious but she's stable and she should wake up soon
*about another hour goes by and the doctor comes out and tells everyone Z is awake*
*you haz And tom run to Z hospital room*
Haz: Hey Beautiful
*he says with tears in his eyes*
You: I'm so sorry for your loss you guys would have been the best Parents
*about three months go by and your at your doctors appointment for the baby*
Doctor: Well Y/n it looks like your Gonna have Twins!
Tom: Twins?!?!
Doctor: I will leave you too alone
You:Twins? Are we ready for Twins?
Tom: It's going to be so much more work and with my career and two babies it would be a lot but I love you and we can do it!
You: Or We could Do something crazy
Tom: What?
You: Give the baby To Haz And Z
Tom: Really? I love that idea let's go tell them and see what they think.
*you go back home And see Z and Haz sitting on the couch*
You: Hey guys
Z: Hey Y/n How did your appointment go?
Tom: It went really good and we have some news for you guys
Haz: Ok what is it
You: So we found out Im having Twins and -
Z: That is great!! But And what?
Tom: We want you guys to Have The baby
Z: What Thats Crazy you guys
You: Z you lost so much and so many people Please please Accept our offer
Z: What do you think Haz?
Haz: I was so happy The day you told me you were pregnant because I was ready to have a family and be with someone I love And I'm ready to start a Family with you So if your ready to start a Family  I am to
Z: I love you so much Harrison Let's start a family
You: So that's a yes?
Haz And Z: YES!
*everyone laughs and hugs until they hear paddy scream*

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