The story Of Y/n Holland Part 13

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*haz And Z walk in*
Haz: Um is everything ok?
You: I need you both to get out of my house Right now! Don't ever come back To This House. No one wants Anything to do with you!
Haz: Y/n we are so very Sorry! Please just give us a chance!
You: One more word and I'm calling the police! LEAVE NOW!
*they leave*
You: I can't do this!
*you fall to the floor*
You: I need him! Scarlett Needs him!
Scarlett: Y/n!
You: I don't want to leave
Scarlett: It's for the best
*you run back into The bedroom*
Tom: You Came back
You: *you say while you're voice is breaking* Don't Do anything stupid Till I get back.
Tom: How can I your taking all the stupid with you.
You: you remember.
*you laugh and sniffle*
You: I love you
Tom: I love you to
You: Tomorrow
*you walk out*
You: Im ready Now
You: Can all of you guys stay so I have company?
All of them: Uh ya sure
*you all walk out and head to Scarletts house*
*Back at Your and Toms House*
*Tom hears a nock*
*he opens it and sees z*
Tom: What are you doing here? Where is Haz?
Z: He went home but im here.
Tom: You should leave
Z: One thing first
*Z kisses Tom*
Tom: WHAT THE FUCK Z! I'm in love with Y/n, not you!
Z: I Im-
Tom: YOU DONT LEAVE IN THE NEXT 10 seconds I am calling the cops!!!!
*Z leaves and Tom falls to the floor sobbing*
*you make it to Scars house*
You: Thanks Scar for letting me stay
Scarlett: Of course
*Tom starts Racing to Scarletts House In tears*
*He runs out of the car and starts banging on the door*
Scarlett: Hold on Im coming
*she opens the door and she's Tom Crying*
Scarlett: Tom?
You: Tom is here?
*you run to the door *
You: Tom are you ok?
*he whistles (when one of you guys get hurt you do a special whistle like the one Nat and Yelena do)*
Tom: She she-
Scarlett: Come in Tom
*about 10 minutes go by and everyone is calm and comforting Tom so you ask Him what is wrong*
You: What happened Baby?
*he grabs your hand*
Tom: She Kissed me
Scarlett: Who?
Tom: Zendaya... I heard a Nock on the door and she was standing there she walked in and pinned me to the wall kissing me She was To strong or maybe I was just to weak but she didn't listen, I told her I loved you *he look at you* She Left and i came looking for you
You: Tom.. I'm so sorry
Robert: Let's go
You: Where
Scarlett: To Get that Bitch

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