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*he smiles and everyone leaves*
*fast forward 2 days before the wedding*
You: See you in 2 days!
Tom: I love you!
*tom spins you and kisses you*
*you leave Tom and go outside to see Lizzie, Scarlett and Some of your other friends*
You: Hey!!
Lizzie: Hello beautiful!
Scarlett: You ready?
You: So ready!
*you guys get in the car and start driving To the airport*
Y/n: See you in 2 days!
Tom: I love you!
*he spins and kisses y/n*
*y/n leaves for the airport
*Tom leaves with Scarlett Jr. To see all his brothers, both Chris's, And Rdj*
Tom: Hey guys!
Harry: Sup man!
RDJ: Ok get in the car let's go
*you guys both go to the airport*
*you guys get on the plane and then arrive to London*
you: Wow! This place is beautiful!
Scarlett: I know, you ready to get married?
You: so ready

*you go to the place and get ready*
*soon after you get married to TOM HOLLAND!*

Tom: I love you so much Y/n!
You: I love you more

you and Tom move in together in New York! And grow your family! you guys live happily ever after <3

A/n: I totally forgot abt this story but I figured I would end it now as well! since you guys have been waiting for months :/ ilyasm <3333333 thank u for reading this! go check out my "the summer I turned pretty" stories and get ready for another new tsitp story coming soon! thank y guys for all the support! 🫶💗🤍

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