The Story Of Y/n Holland Part 20

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*you leave the dress shop confused*
Scarlett: That was weird
You: I know! I wonder who she is
Lizzie: I guess we should get going
*you Guys hop in the car*
*it's now about 1 in the afternoon*
You: What are you guys doing for Thanksgiving?
Lizzie: I honestly don't know yet.
Scarlett: Yeah same!
You: Would you guys want too come over and spend it with my family?
Lizzie: No way! We'd take away your family time
You: Oh it's no problem at all!
Scarlett: We will think about it
You: Ok well this is me, Thank you guys so much for today!
Lizzie: Of course! You deserve it!
*you hop out and They drive off*
*you walk inside*
You; Hello?
*you see Tom laying down on the couch with the baby, Cuddling*
You: Oh my goodness! Look at my Princess and my Handsome Soon too he husband!
Tom: We've missed you all day Darling!
*he pulls you in for a long kiss*
You; I missed that
Tom: Did you Find "The one"
You: Yea I did, But that's all I'm gonna tell you!
Tom: Well I'm happy, if you are.
You: I've wanted to ask you something!
Tom: And what is that?
You: I was wondering if you would want to go meet the other spider men?
Tom: That's odd, where is this coming from?
You; There's a meet and greet with Andrew Garfield And I've always been a huge fan of all the spidermen since I was little so I was wondering if you wanted to go?
Tom: Of course but we would be in the meet and greet.
You: Really?
Tom: Yes
You: WOW, that's amazing
Tom: When is it?
You: In 5 hours
Tom: Well ok then, we have too get ready now.
You: Ok, Will you get Scarlett Jr. Ready please
Tom: Of course my love.
You: Thank you handsome
*you kiss him*
*you walk into your room and put on the amazing spider- man 2*
*you pick out a beautiful Short velvet blue dress and put it on*
*As the movie is playing you keep quoting everything*
*you do your makeup and curl your hair*
*you grab a bag and realize it's been 3 hours so you walk out*
Tom: Oh my god. You're so hot!
*you walk over too him and Grab his face and kiss him*
Tom: Are you almost ready?
You: I Am but are you and Scarlett?
Tom: She is but I have too change
You: Ok, Go ahead and change and I will Be out here.
Tom: Ok, I'll be right out
*you pick up Scarlett and see her cute little smile*
*you pick up your phone and see a text from an unknown number
Unknown Number: can we talk?
You: Who is this?
Unknown Number: You're old best friend
Katie: I miss you.
You: I'm done with you, Can we talk later
Katie: Yeah of course
*you turn off your phone*
*Tom walks out in a Black Suit with his natural hair*
You: Finally!! No more gel!
Tom: Haha, I love you Darling
You: You ready?
Tom: Of course!
You: Let's go!

To be continued..

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