IV. -Wait, i didn't get your name-

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Aldrin Ledger

i open the curtains in the guest room. i look back to see that she was stirring a little by the light. finally her eyes opened and she looked around for a while. suddnely she looked alarmed as she sprung out of the bed. when her eyes landed on me, she sighed in relief

"good morning" i greet with amusement. she ran a hand through her hair and sighed

"morning" she mumbled. "how are you feeling?" i ask

she nodded half heartedly. "c'mon I'll get you breakfast"

she shook her head "no no it's fine. i will just go home. I've bothered you enough already. thanks for you help though"

i roll my eyes "you haven't bothered me in a least. there are some clothes i bought for you in the bathroom. breakfast will be done in 10" i said and walked out the room

"wait" i turned to her. "i didn't get your name" she mumbled

i silently chuckled "aldrin" she nodded

"I'm fayre"


"ok get ready fayre" i see her shiver a little and i walked out

i was plating her chicken sandwich when she walked out the room

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i was plating her chicken sandwich when she walked out the room. i looked her up and down and the clothes looked a little small for her but it still looked great on her

great huh?

what is happening to me? i haven't felt like this ever

"hey is that for me?" she asks eyeing the sandwich . i nodded and moved it towards her

she bit her lip looking at it

her lips are so- NO

"something wrong?" i ask. she looks up at me with a guilty look

"i should've mentioned... I'm vegan" i nodded with an understanding look

"I'll just make you something else....um what can you eat?" i have no idea about what i could make her

she laughed a little "it's fine I'll make something" she took over the kitchen and i decided to just sit on the counter

"so....um what happened to that guy?" she asked

"he won't bother you anymore" i said shortly. i didn't wanna tell her that i shot him

she nodded.

"what were you even doing here? you live on the opposite side from here" i ask

she stiffened "i was-s visiting some friend and i was walking there when i ran into him"

i knew she didn't wanna talk about it so i let it go. she continued cooking whatever she was cooking

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