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Aldrin Ledger

Moving stuff from fayre's apartment to my house should not be a lot of trouble, if not for a little problem, fayre is a little bit of a control freak

it was kind of funny to watch her boss around some of my men. At times some of them looked like they were about to go to their mommies. while me and carl laughed at them.

"FOR GODS SAKE MARCO!" i heard fayre yelled and we both snickered. fayre seems to have made it her mission to make Marco cry today.

i heard him grumbling something before i decided to go save the big guy's pride and step in. i went behind fayre and hugged her waist to my chest and kissed her forehead. she relaxed a little and i knew she was just frustrated

"c'mon marco you can go help carl over there, I'll take over here." i said and watched everyone besides carl and fayre turn to look at me. it was not like me to do this kind of work but desperate times call for desperate measures

once everyone went back to their work, i looked down at fayre "what do you want me to do sweetheart?" i asked

she smiled and pointed to her wardrobe "you see that bag over there? i need to get it down"

i followed her hand and it could easily get it down. i smiled at her and went to pick it up, i had to stand up a little taller even for my 6'1 body. i wonder how she got it up there

"be careful-" she spoke a little late

i felt a huge pain in my back like i had pulled a muscle and i dropped the bag, hissing in pain. i had expected the bag to be empty but it was a lot heavier

"fucking hell! what is in that bag! a rock?!" i yelled

fayre flinched and gave me an awkward but apologetic smile "sorry, its just some personal stuff"

that told me not to answer any more questions about its contents but my back was still in a lot of pain. fayre came to help me sit on her bed and tried to massage the pain but it only soothed for a minute

"i think we should get home. carl and the others can bring the stuff" i said. fayre looked like she wanted to refuse but she nodded

 fayre looked like she wanted to refuse but she nodded

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"welcome to your new home" i smiled down at fayre. she looked up at me and kissed my lips "thank you" she smiled

"now i have some work to get to in 30 minutes but i will show you your room" i picked her up, thankfully my back was much better now, and took her to the guest room besides mine

"this is 'your room', but we both know you will be sleeping with me, so just keep your stuff here and settle in" i winked at her. she rolled her eyes and moved to go look into her closet and bathroom

"this is amazing" she gushed. i pulled her waist to my chest and kissed the crook of her neck. now that i have her, i just cant seem to get enough of her

"Aldrin" she breathed out and tilted her head back on my shoulder. i furrowed my brows in concentration as i kept kissing her neck, her jaw, her chin, then down her throat. my soul purpose to make her moan for me again

i open mouthedly kiss the middle of her throat and she finally moans deeply.

"Aldrin" i was getting hard just hearing it.

"i gotta go, feel free to take a tour of the house, call me or carl if you need anything. you can take any of my car if you wanna go anywhere" i whispered in her ear and was gone before she even had a chance to reply. but i did hear her groan as i walked through the front door and laughed

work was the same, we were trying to track this ophidian gang all the while making sure everyone was safe. we were a really easy target right now. carl was having a baby so they could easily try to hurt them, nathan was unconscious, i now had another weakness- fayre. and by the seems of it, they already had spies on us

nathan was now in a different, safer, ward and i was thinking about making a hospital room in my house so i always knew he was safe. but obviously before i would have to tell fayre about everything

after work i finally got home. the idea of coming home from work to a no-longer empty house was tempting. as i walked in the first thing i saw was fayre on the couch as she stared off into space

"fayre? are you ok?" i ask

she slowly turned to look at me and she looked scared "why didn't you tell me you were in the mafia?"

i was frozen, how did she find out? did someone try to threaten her? did something happen?

appearently my expression just confirmed her question and she stood up and starting pacing around

"when i saw the many hidden guns, i was scared, i wanted to run away but i stayed. i stayed because i thought there might be a misunderstanding but i cant believe you! you bought me to stay with you when you might be the only danger to me! i told you i hated liars, you have done nothing but lied to me!" she was angry now and i took a step closer to her, to try to hold her but she stepped back "don't come near me"

her words cut through me like a knife. all i wanted to do was keep her safe, not make her think i was in any way a danger to her.

"ok, I'll tell you everything. but not now, it might be dangerous to your life but i wont lie to you. yes i am in the mafia and the reason i bought you here is to keep you safe. i promise i wont ever try to hurt you" i tried to step closer to her again but she stepped back again

"dont be like this."i pleaded. she looked away from me

"thank you for being honest with me but i need space right now" she said, tear eye-d

i need to understand, it might be scary to her right now, i will give her space

"ok but just know, this is not how i wanted you to know. and please don't leave without telling me" i was showing her my vulnerable side. a side not even vivian had the chance to see. the part of me which just wanted her- fayre

with a mumbled 'goodnight' i walked into my room

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