IX -this game is getting too easy-

12 2 0

Aldrin Ledger

I fell for her

i completely and utterly fell for her.

you know people say- you don't realize what a person means to you until they are gone.

in my life I've had many examples of that quote and yet here it is again.

Fayre was out of town again -something about her sister's boyfriend proposing- and she's been gone for almost 2 weeks and i am not ashamed to admit it- i missed her

she's been on my mind all the time and she was even in my dreams some night. i didn't have dreams, metaphorically speaking as well, but i had 2 rare dreams this week and both had Fayre in it

the second dream was much better than the first- as she wasn't dying in my arms.

the second dream was also more important as I've had that dream all through high school. it starts with me and Vivian walking down a beach, the one we went to often, vi always looks worried but she never said anything, she would stop just in front of the sunset and the hurt look on her face would make me kiss her. but when I would pull away she would be gone.

at the time i thought it was just the universe reminding me that we couldn't be together.

but the dream i had this week was different because when i pull away from the kiss- it was Fayre standing there, wearing the cloths she wore the first time we met, baggy jeans with an oversized sweater, and a beautiful smile on her face. she opened her mouth to speak but i couldn't hear her

I'm glad i have my feelings figured out because Fayre will be back tomorrow night meaning i get to see her the next day, not that i was thinking about confessing to her

i wanted to pick her up from the airport, but she reassured me that she would be fine and i knew she might be tired and would want to rest

last night i made up mind that i would spend today with nathan. i should say- it was more fun when he could talk

i have not been able to visit nathan recently. before i used to visit him whenever i wanted a break from work or i didn't wanna be alone.

nathan's nurse, janette, smiled when she saw me walk into the building. she was a 40 year old woman and really nice. i nodded at her and walked to nathan's room.

i stepped into nathan's room and he was still the same, sleeping. he had grown a stuble, i almost laughed. he had been whining since high school about how he couldn't grow facial hair but look at him now.

i could hear some music playing, his favourite music- i don't know who the artist was- and the room smelt faintly of coffee. i walked over to his bed and saw a boqouet of flowers

"what the-" i picked it up, who would send him flowers?

they were tulips, nathan's favourite. whoever sent them must have known that. i ordered one of the guards who was standing outside to call Janette. she came in after a minute

"everything ok?" she asked. her gaze fell on the flowers in my hands and she smiled

"who sent these?" i ask. she laughs

"this girl came in last night, saying she wanted to visit him. then one of your guard dogs told her that no one is allowed in here so she asked to get this to his room"

"janette! are you crazy! there could have been a bomb in this! you know how we live!" i yelled at her. she rolled her eyes

"don't worry- your guard dogs checked it before it went in."

i was kind of relieved that they were doing their jobs. "did she say anything?" i ask

"yeah, i asked her how she knew nathan, she said she was his ex-lover. she had the prettiest British accent and red hair and striking electric blue eyes" she gushed

i was shocked. ex-lover?

nathan only ever had one girlfriend, who was nothing like Janette described her. Nathan couldn't come out as that would ruin his reputation as a leader, but he told me. that's why he made up his mind that he was gonna end up alone.

"oh and she left this note" my eyes snapped up and i took the note from her

"thank you" with a nod she left the room. i opened the letter

Aldrin ,

im assuming you are the one who is reading this. you might have two and two together and figured out i am not an ex-lover of nathan, if not then you are slow for a mafia don. anyway,

i have to say- you have some shitty security. this game is getting too easy and i am starting to get bored. i also found out you are trying to get information on me- another thing you were unsuccessful with. don't worry I'll give it to you

and you should listen to carl more, he is smarter than you. yes i am coming for my father's revenge.

till then, toodles

Andromeda Jasphine, leader of the Ophidians

i immediately took out my phone to call Carl but he called me first

"Al there was a attack at our station in the west, all the equipment have been stolen and many of the men were injured. none died though"

my blood was boiling

"i got news too- last night a red head came to visit nathan and left some flowers and a note when the guards didn't let her in. I've sent you a picture."

there was silence so i figured her was checking his phone "Andromeda Jasphine. her father's name was Marques Jasphine" he said

"and this also shows that we have mole in the system because she is getting every information. she knows the passwords, our every step" i paced the length of nathan's room

"and she knows a lot about nathan" including his sexuality, i wanted to say

"did you both have any old friend with the name like this? because I'm sure mafia heir don't use their real names in school or legal papers,"

i thought hard "it was always the three of us, no one else ever got close to us"

i could imagine him making his thinking face "well maybe Vivian had a friend who she told somethings. this heir is definitely a girl"

i sighed "vi didnt know anything about the mafia until the last few months and she wouldn't risk nathans secret like that" and i know for a fact nathan was too scared to come out to vivian

"well we have to think fast because the west quarter was where we stored most of our guns and if she managed to attack us there- she is very dangerous"

i nodded absently "get me the list of all the total damage and the budget, I'm gonna stay with nathan and look over things here, maybe change his ward" he agreed and i hung up

i looked over to my unconscious best friend "this would have been a lot easier if you were awake"

i sat down on the couch and began reading a book out loud, another habit I've made since the doctor told me nathan could hear me

"you need to wake up soon N, and once you do- I'm gonna beat the shit out of you for making me go through all of this alone"

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