XXV-it all burns down-

17 2 4

Ps- halo is the cat al got fayre

Aldrin Ledger

the next 48 hours were like deja vu.

the same emptiness that i felt when i lost vivian

after discovering his body, i was tempted to destroy the whole hospital room.

i didn't speak to anyone for the next hours because i knew if i did, i will kill them. fayre knew that so she didn't speak to me either. infact she stayed her distance. she was probably scared of me but for the first time i didn't care.

i was already stone cold, she might as well break up with me. or she'll end up like them too.

i should've left her long back, i was too selfish to see that i was putting her in danger too

i had stayed inside my room for the whole time. i didn't even go outside when carl and his family arrived. I'm sure fayre had told them as they were boarding the plane

Halo was keeping me company but it was mostly him sleeping next to me.

i wasn't crying inside my room. i was planning my revenge. the plan was clear

find out who did this (though it was clear), break up with fayre, end this for once and for all. even if I'm dead by the end of it. i had nothing in life anyway

there were no witnesses, no security cameras and no one heard anything. of course the police was involved too but they didn't find anything either

today was the funeral. i didn't want to attend.

so i was not going to. fayre and lily had planned the funeral, from what I've heard

i heard a knock on the door of the room and i opened to carl. he was dressed in all black and holding Edwin

"we're leaving, you sure you don't want to come with?" he asked and i shook my head

he sighed "well Edwin will keep you company" i gave him a irritated look as he passed his son to me. he left without a word

i closed the door and set edwin on the bed

"well, sleep" i shrugged. edwin smiled at me with his tiny tooth on show. his smile made my stone cold heart beat a little. just a little though. i kiss him on the cheek once.

i grabbed my phone and called my guy

"did you find anything?" i ask

"yes sir, there was a woman who was taking photo's of her son the the same time . but the door to nathan's room was closed. i can't find anything in them but I'm trying to get the live photos"

i hummed and hung up

hours later carl and lily came back. I'm sure fayre was back too but she was avoiding me. carl and lily had to fly back tomorrow so they left after picking up edwin. lily's eyes were puffy from crying and she avoided my eyes as she took edwin. carl gave me a tight smile to which i looked away

it was 11 pm when I got the call

"sir I've sent you the photos, you should look at them" i hung up without a second thought and opened the email

first photo was of a boy standing there with a newborn in his hand, in the background, i was walking out of the room, closing the room behind me

the second photo had nothing , the door was closed but the curtains were drawn too

my anxiety rose

the third picture had fayre walking out the room. but the live photo version of the photo showed her coming out and looking around

the fourth photo had her walking down hallway

this had nothing. i was gonna call him up and yell at him but then another email came through

it was link to a video with the message "watch this to understand"

the video was of all the live photos put together like a flip book. i watched it 7 times and then i saw it

i was frozen and i watched it 5 more times to make sure i wasn't dreaming

when fayre leaves the room, you can see the pillow that kept on the couch was gone, the same one found on nathan's face and when you pause at the end, you get a shot of a very blurry nathan on the bed lifeless

another email

'no one came in after that woman, it was her for sure. she killed nathan'

yes that woman, my girlfriend. the girl i love. the girl i had bought an engagement ring for

i stand up to go to her room, maybe it's all a lie?

i open the door to fayre standing there with a gun pointed at my chest. i don't try to stop my shock

she smirks "hello Aldrin"


please tell me ya'll are surprised :')

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