Chapter Three

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We drive to Alex's house, silently like the ride before. " Get out" he demanded, he walked quickly to the door and then up the stairs. I hurried behind, practically ran, he was much taller than me and in much lighter attire.

"Your room is through there, mine is down the hall and unless you are dying, don't ever bother me." I was shocked that he didn't expect me to fulfill his sexual needs. Before I even had time to thank him, he disappeared down the hall.

I opened the door to reveal white. Plain white walls, furniture, decor just white. It was simple and understated but even if it was boring I was thankful that I had it at all. I decided to take a shower, opened my closet and all my stuff was there thankfully. I got in and let the hot water run over my body. I got out and went straight to bed, it's been a long day and sleep was what I needed.


Alex's Pov
( This is for the whole story so far btw)

Furious. That's how I felt when my father told me I was to be married. It meant that I would have to give up my playboy ways, not that I would, but now here I am at the alter waiting to see who my bride is. Probably some slutty gold digger. The band started playing and the doors of the church opened to reveal a petite girl in a dress that was. Swallowing her whole.

She walked down the isle holding her father's arm and when they reached the end her father lifted her veil and whispered something in her ear. I couldn't quite hear what he said but it made me angry. He slipped her small hand into my large one. The priest started the vows, I said 'i do' with no issues but when it came her turn she looked me in the eyes for the first time, then to the crowd and then back it me. She put her head down, sighed and then said 'i do' like she really didn't want to be here. Well tough shit princess because I don't want to be here either. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Before she even had a chance to think I crashed my lips against hers, no passion but dominance. I may not love this chic but if I was going to be married to her, others would know that she's mine. We pulled apart and walked back down the isle together. The ride to the reception was spent in complete in silence. We arrived and when we walked everyone cheered for us, the newly wed couple. We sat our table and immediately people came rushing over to congratulate us, I wasn't having any part in this. Scarlett could deal with this, she had the fakest smile on her face, she might have fooled everyone else but I'm a Di Ruffalo and that means, you can't fool me. It was quite convincing, like she had spent years perfecting it. She wasn't my problem tho. I got up and went to talk to my gang, my mother wanted to speak to Scarlett anyway.

"What's the situation with the Slvanski clan?" I asked my men. "It's all clear, i think they feel threatend since they last tried to attacks and we kicked their asses."

My right hand man Leo told me , " that's what I like to hear." Hours later, it was time to leave. We arrived at my house and I ordered my apparent wife to follow me inside, I strudded up the stairs and she struggled to stay close behind. "Your room is through there, mine is down the hall and unless you are dying, don't ever bother me."

The look on her face said it all, she was dumb struck that I didn't immediately want to fuck her. I mean sure this chic was kind of hot but I still have some dignity, and i wasn't about to lose that by fucking the girl I was forced to marry. Her brow furrowed and she just looked genuinely confused, but I walked away before she had a chance to say anything.

Hey guys, I didn't exactly have a publishing schedule before but as of now I will be posting every Wednesday. However if I ever forget please just comment or message me and let me know, it will be deeply appreciated. Now as always please remember to vote for my story.
I want this story to meet your guys expectations so please. love you all so much, thanks for reading and have a great day. ☺️❤️😘🥰

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