Chapter Twenty One

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We flew into Egypt as fast we could. We as in me and about 50 guards. We kept tracking the ring and it took us to the Pyramid of Menkaure. "Spread out look for a way in "

10 minutes later

"Sir, we found it"

Half of my men stayed to kill the guards and the other half came with me for protection.

We made it to a room that was more protected than any other place. We charged in, my 25 guards against their 50.

I slipped past them in the fight and barged through the door. There was my Scarlett tied and gagged in a chair in the center of a cold, dark, wet, musty room.

She looked at me with tears and hope in her eyes. "Scarlett baby" I immediately went to untie her. "Alex behind you!"  I turned around and sure enough there were two guards standing there.

It wasn't that hard to kill them.

When I went back to help Scarlett somebody was holding a knife to her, "let go of my wife right fucking now or your punishment will be 100 times worse."

He laughed, this mother fucker laughed

I recognized that laugh


"Put the fucking knife down Leo. I'll give you what you want, but if you hurt my wife or my baby, you will feel the rath of God.

"I'll tell you what I want, I want you and your stupid fucking baby dead, I want your bride as mine, I want your kingdom to fall and become mine, and I want Scarlett and I to rule together."

In that moment I took the chance of shooting my beautiful wife, and I shot my right hand man and my best friend"

"Baby are you ok?" I worriedly asked Scarlett.

"Yeah, I'm ok, but my water just broke"

I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the jet.

We timed her contractions and in just a few hours, she was ready to push.

"Alex I don't think I can do this" she cried
"Come on baby you've got it, breath and push.

23 minutes of pushing later, I delivered my baby girl on a jet.

"Oh my God, I did it" Scarlett said beaming with joy.

"What should we name her"

"How about Liliana Alexandria Di Ruffalo"

"It's perfect "

We took our baby home and introduced her to everyone.

Life couldn't be more perfect

With my wife
My daughter
And my Mafia kindgom.

Hey guys, I know I haven't updated in a long time. Ok a very long time. And this chapter might be a little short compare to the others. I do plan on writing other stories, definitely better ones for sure because I know this one wasn't the best. Anyway, I love you all, I hope you have a great day and of course as always, and most importantly STAY AWESOME! 😎😝😍🥰😘😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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