Chapter Eight

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"What do you mean you killed her."
Oh my god what the hell did I just do.
"Nevermind" I huffed I really didn't want to talk about this. I turned around and began walking up the stairs.
"Scarlett, you do not get to just walk away from me. Now answer the god damn question."
I did want to do this. I buried this years ago. I felt so guilty for what happened that I vowed never to tell anyone about what happened again, but I know that Alex will get his answer no matter what the cost. So I turned around on the stairs again to face him, and then I just started rambling.
" Me and her were driving and she let me drive because my father almost never let me out of the house. We had the radio on and I wasn't paying attention, and I hadn't realized that the light was red and there was this truck and it ran into us. And I was in the hospital for a month with a few broken ribs and a ruptured kidney but she hit her head and they couldn't stop the bleeding, and she died and it's all my fault. "
I sobbed. My knees gave out, and I sobbed on Alexander Di Ruffalo's stairs.
I couldn't describe the look on Alex's face. There was pity, confusion, anger, sadness, and disappointment. I couldn't bare to see yet another person disappointed with me so I put my head hands and tried to stop crying.
You can only imagine how surprised I was when big, strong arms were wrapped around, along with the familiar scent of Alex. He let me rest my head on his strong chest and just cry. After a little while, I was done. We just sat that what for a minute in the awkward silence, "I'm sorry about that"
I said softly. "Let's not make this a habit." And just like that he stormed off, it's like his signature thing or what. I went upstate took a shower, and then cried myself to sleep.


Alex's Pov

Scarlett told me about how her mom died, and I don't know how to feel. On the one hand she should have been paying attention to the fucking road but on the other, it could have happen to anyone, a total accident is what it was.
After she told me, she broke down crying on my stairs, not a meek little cry of child when they don't get what they want, but a cry with a pent up emotion. Before I even knew what I was doing I wrapped my arms around her, she seemed taken aback by this, as she was in my arms I felt her trying to stop the crying. Almost as if she was afraid that I might think she was pathetic. She finally did stop crying and then broke the uncomfortable silence between us, "I'm sorry about that" she said softly. "Let's not make this a habit"
And I stormed off, like I always do, she probably thought I was being rude, not this time though, it was a completely different reason this time. I went upstairs to my room and of course my shirt was ruined from her makeup, but I don't have time to worry about this. The event from tonight flashed through my mind, when Scarlett punched Antonia, the way her voice sounded when she was angry, the way she sounded when she spoke Greek. The reason I got up and stormed off so quickly was because I am extremely turned on. I Jumped in the shower and relieved myself, a few times actually.
God fuck, I've got to get laid.


Ok so now you know what happened to Scarlett's mom and Alex redeemed himself a little. Also I hope that you guys liked thag little bit of spice 🌶️😈 there at the end. Anyway please comment how you felt about this chapter, I think it might be my favorite so far. I really hope you guys tune in for chapter nine. As always please vote on my story and check out my other ones, I would deeply appreciate it. Thank you so much for reading, I love you all so so much and I hope you have a great day/night. Stay Awesome.Bye!🥰🤗❤️😘😍😊

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