Chapter Thirteen

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Alexander Di Ruffalo just fucking kissed me... And it was amazing.

He pulled his lips away from mine, and I found myself missing them. "I told you I'd get you back." He said smiling.

"I guess we're even now"

"Not quite" he said while leaning in and kissing me again.

I always thought that my life was so predictable, the same things over and over again, first my mom died and that was unexpected, but in a bad way, then I got married that was unexpected, but in a bitter-sweet (mostly bitter at the time, but I have hope for the future), now here I am, making out with Alexander Di Ruffalo in a beach house in Anzio, and I think that this is definitely good unexpected.

I have kissed Alex before, on our wedding day, but this time it's different. This time, there wasn't 400+ people watching us kiss, this wasn't full of dominance or anger, it was soft and sweet.

As we were kissing, I couldn't help but notice something hard on my leg. I decided this has to stop, Alex is hot but I do have morals.
"Alex stop" I said pushing on his chest.
He rolled to the side of me, "why do you want to stop." He asked

"Because little Alex is 'up to bat' and I don't think I'm ready to run home"

"Oh" he responded putting his hands over his crotch.

" I'm sorry" I said to him

"Don't be sorry, but can I ask you a question" he asked

"Have you ever-"

His question made me blush, I turned my head so I didn't have to look at him when I said, "no"

"Well I can fix that"

I blushed again, "Oh my god 🤦🏻‍♀️, I'm going to bed."

He came in shortly after I did, and when he laid down he pulled me closer to him. "You are the most bi polar person, I have ever met."

"What do you mean?" He asked

"This morning you were screaming at me because I didn't want to go to breakfast, and now you want to be all cuddly."

He chuckled, " well, what can I say, I'm a man of many emotions."

We talked for awhile and then went to sleep.

The next few days were incredibly, he wasn't serious or angry, he respected my boundaries and we did something different everyday.

It was absolutely amazing

Key word being, 'was.'

He received a phone call at 4:00 am. I didn't know what it was about because he went into the other room, but when he came back in, his mood was completely different.

"We're leaving, let's go now."

I knew better than to mess with Alex when he was like this. He sped all the way home in complete silence.

As soon as we got there Leo ran up to Alex, "Alex it's Sophia."

They both ran into the house and I followed suit.

When we reached her, she was unconscious, she looked ill, there were machines around her everywhere. Her hair was a mess, her skin was pale, and there were dark circles around her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked

"There was another shooting, i don't know if she's going to make it."

Alex reached over and grabbed her hand, "everyone out, now!" He whisper yelled.

It made me sad to see Sophia this way, she was the only person that talked to me like an actual person before me and Alex left, but even though this was hurting me, it was killing Alex.

His tough exterior crumbled when he saw her, I even thought he might cry. Sophia knew him better than his own mother did, to mention she was so much nicer.

Everyone cleared out, I went to my room to find that, other than the furniture that was in here before I came, it was empty.

It was 6:30 in the morning and sleep quickly overcame my body.

When I went downstairs, there was no smell of bacon, there was no one arguing about American football, Sophia wasn't there, and Alex looked like shit, everything was different this morning.

"I'll be back later, make sure you fucking watch her and I want the rest of you guarding the house." Alex said angrily. I could tell he was worried, we've been married for almost an entire year and not even in his line of work have I ever seen him this stressed out.

"And you" he said pointing to me.

"Stay in the god damn room and do not come out until I say so."

I just nodded, and went to our bedroom.

I had never actually been in here, it was huge, and decorated with neutral colors, black, brown, grey, white, I think my old room had more personality.

The best part of this room however, was that it smelled just like him.

I stayed in the room all day like he instructed me to. I was binge watching the Gilmore Girls when I heard the front door slam.

Alex came stomping up the stairs and when he came in the room, he was covered in blood, again.

"Alex wha-"

"Piss off" he said walking into the bathroom.

I knew he wouldn't change, sure those 5 days in Anzio were amazing, but now he's back to being the cold hearted bastard that he was before.

Hey guys, sorry this is late but I hope you think it was worth the wait. Anyway check out my other stories, make sure to comment and vote, have a great day, and most importantly, stay awesome 😎😘🙂😊 ❤️ I love you!

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