Chapter Seven

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2 weeks after the incident
'this, chapter is told from Alex's Pov'
I sat at the kitchen island with a cup of coffee and the latest reports from my weapon distribution with Ireland, but thumping from upstairs disrupted me. It was coming from Scarlett's room, that little fucking bitch. She cut the shit out of her hand, i help her fix it and this is how she repays me. There's no way she's getting away with that. I snuck upstairs, I wouldn't want her to hear me and then have time to hide her little sex slave. I carefully opened the door to see that she was sitting in a rocking chair by her window. "Scarlett" I huffed she stood up, turned around and took her ear buds out. "Yes?" She replied looking at the floor. "Give me your phone" I demanded. She looked up and gave me a confused look but handed her phone over anyway. "What the fuck is the password?" I asked in an angry tone. I felt fucking stupid for thinking she had a man in her bedroom, but I had to make sure that she wasn't in contact with anyone she wasn't supposed to be. "81699" she said. "What's the importance of that date."
"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME! WHAT'S THE IMPORTANCE OF THAT DATE." I yelled. This bitch is really pissing me the fuck off.
"It's my birthday"
Her birthday?
"That was 3 weeks ago"
" I know"
I'm married to someone and I didn't even know her birthday. I wonder if she knows mine.
"Tell me Scarlett, when is my birthday?"
She looked at me confused again
"July 13th 1997" she replied
Holy shit. She did know it.
"I'll be back." I told her
I walked down to my office and began looking through her phone. There were no mysterious text messages, just the most depressing fucking playlist I have ever heard and about 1000 pictures of her with a woman I didn't know. She looked happy in them, a genuine smile in every single one, the one I had seen had always been fake.
"Here" I said returning her phone to her. "Thank you" she replied. "Who is the woman in all of those pictures?" I asked her. Her eyes shot up from the floor and her eyebrows furrowed. She took a deep breaths and replied, "My mother" without another word, I spun around and went to make some calls.

1 week later

I waited downstairs for Scarlett. We had an event at my parents house that we could not be late for. She walked down the stairs in the dress that I had gotten for her for this occasion, she looked beautiful. I couldn't stand this girl, but I have to give credit where credit is due.

We made it to my parents house and as per usual the maid opened the door but when we walked in, "SURPRISE!!!"It was stupid to have thrown a party but, no one even bothered to call on her birthday

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We made it to my parents house and as per usual the maid opened the door but when we walked in, "SURPRISE!!!"
It was stupid to have thrown a party but, no one even bothered to call on her birthday. The look on her face said it all, that same fake smile from our wedding day. We made our rounds and then went to talk to Perseus and Antonia. All was fine until a very drunk Antonia decided to open her mouth. "My god Scarlett could you be any more of a slut, I mean your tits are practically hanging out for the world to see."
I can't believe that Scarlett was taking this.
"I mean come on, it's just par for the course you've always been this way."
Why wasn't her father sticking up for her and Antonia has only known Scarlett for about four or five years.
" I guess you would expect that anyway, you're just like you mother"
Scarlett's head shot up from the floor and she glared at Antonia.
"Min milás gia ti mitéra mou étsi."
(Do not speak about my mother that way" Scarlett said, it wasn't in her normal, soft, whisper tone either. It was angry and full of rage. I didn't even know what she said, but she was kind of sexy when she spoke greek.
"Well not totally like your mother, you are the reason she's dead after all."
Everyone one around, including her father gasped in disbelief at Antonia's comment.
What happened next took me completely by surprised. Scarlett walked right up to her and punched her in the face.
Antonia just stood there holding her bleeding nose.
"diáole re pórni"
(Fuck you whore)
Scarlett pulled back her fist and punch her again, right square in the nose.
"Tora katalavaineis"
(I said, do you understand?)
"nai nai katalavaíno"
( Yes,yes I understand)
Antonia practically cried.
Scarlett looked up and noticed the crowed of people standing around and staring and without another word, she ran out.
I ran after and we immediately left, the car ride in complete silence. When we got home she almost sprinted to the stairs to get to her room
"What did Antonia mean you are the reason you're mother is dead."
She turned around to face me, her face red and tears in her eyes.
"Because I'm the one who killed her."


Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. I decided to update twice this week to make up for the week I didn't. This chapter was a bit longer so I hope you liked that. Please remember to check out my other stories, vote, and comment your suggestions. I love you all so so much and I hope you have an awesome day/night. 😊😍🤗🥰❤️😘☺️

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