Chapter Five

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"Eat something" Alex demanded. His voice stopped me as I was going up the stairs, "I'm not hungry" I lied "Don't try and bullshit me Scarlett. There's no way that your not, and I don't remember fucking asking." This dude is really pissing me the fuck off. " I'm really just not hungry. " I told him again. " Fine you can fucking starve then. " He said while pouring himself a glass of whiskey. I went upstairs to my room to avoid him getting even angrier at me. After I had gotten out of the shower I laid on my bed sketching. There was a knock on my door, " miss Scarlett may I come in. " It was Sophia thank God. " Come in" she carried a tray in with her . " Sophia I'm really not hungry. " That's what I told her but the growl that came from my stomach told her otherwise. " Cara Mia (my dear), tell me why don't you want to eat." I felt close with Sophia almost, she reminded me of my mama. I let out a deep breath and began to tell her. " My step mother Antonia made some... Comments tonight and I can't help but feel that she's right. She said if I ate anymore that my dress wouldn't fit because it's already to tight on me and I know I shouldn't listen to her but she just picks out every little flaw and insecurity." She rubbed my back in attempt to comfort me. "Tesero (darling) don't listen to her, you're gorgeous. " She is so sweet. "Now Scarletta, I will be back in half an hour and I expect for that tray to be empty by the time I come back, ok." I couldn't help but smile at her while she walked backwards to the door, her index finger up the whole time. She came back half an hour later just like she had said. "Oh you finished, meravigliosa. (Wonderful). You have a good night tesero, sleep well."
" I will, thank you Sophia."


Alex's Pov

Sitting at dinner was boring as fuck. I talked to Perseus and my father and the recent drug deal and Antonia and my mother were talking about some other stupid shit and Scarlett, well she looked more bored than I was. The maid offered her a drink and she declined it, curious. Then dinner was brought out, she mostly played with her food and only took small bites every now and then. All conversations stopped when Antonia kicked Scarlett from under the table."Scarlett, you really shouldn't eat so much. That dress is so tight already, it won't fit by the time you leave." Scarlett's face turned bright red, probably of humiliation. " You're right, I'm sorry." She was actually apologizing for being a human being. She wasn't at all in the slightest fat, and her dress fit her perfectly. She excused herself and while she was gone Antonia snapped her fingers at the maid. " You, take this plate away."  Scarlett came back and didn't even say anything about the fact that her plate was missing. I wasn't going to say anything, she isn't my problem, but I at least expected her father to stick up for. "Eat something" I told her. "I'm not hungry." She told me, which was a total fucking lie. Her stomach wouldn't stop growling the whole ride here."Don't try and bullshit me Scarlett. There's no way that you're not, and I don't remember fucking asking." "I'm really just not hungry." This bitch is trying my patience. I don't even fucking understanding what her problem is. "Fine, fucking starve then." God I need a drink. "Sophia, take her some food, please." I told Sophia after Scarlett had left for her room. I pinched the bridge of my nose, I was already stressed out as shit, with my deals, and the fucking asshole tied up in my basement but instead of taking care of that I'm taking care of an ungrateful little bitch.
"Leo, take it off." I commanded. Leo removed the bag from my prisoners head. "Aiguo Lisho, I must admit, you're good. Changing your name so that we wouldn't catch on to you. I should've known that you were a fucking mole. So we can do this the easy way, or the hard way."
" Fuck you, it's to late anyways. My men know all of your plans " he spat
" Ok, so the hard way. That's okay, more fun for me then."


You guys, I am so so sorry for the late update. I had a really terrible head cold and I just wasn't feeling up to it. Anyway I really hope that you enjoyed this chapter and I would really appreciate if you would comment your suggestions. I strongly encourage you to to vote and check out my other stories 'The Marriage Law' and 'The Lost Kingdom' that is a newer story so please be patient. Anyway I love you all so so much and I hope you have an amazing day. Also, I'm trying to publish my books so if any of you guys know how to do that please comment. ☺️😊❤️😘🥰

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