Chapter Seventeen

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Her body was excellent, amazing, perfect, words cannot describe how I felt when she let me see it for the first time.

I promised her I'd be gentle, "fuck Scarlett" even with as gentle as I was, our bodies moved together perfectly and I was in ecstacy.

"We should go back before people get suspicious." She said snapping me out of my trance. "Ok" I groaned

No sooner did we get downstairs and I got ropes into talking business with me no younger than middle aged.

Scarlett tried walking away, but I couldn't just let her walk around here by herself without me. I pulled her onto my lap, she questioned but didn't argue.

After awhile she got uncomfortable and started moving around. "You're not helping the situation." I whispered in her ear. She's so innocent (less innocent since about 15 minutes ago) she didn't understand that I was getting hard.

Until she did

She left after that, teasing me. Finally when the meeting was over I pulled her out the door and sped home. I couldn't help it though.

I slid my hand up her leg and then into her. She became instantly wet at my touch and at that point I couldn't help it. I pulled the car over and we went for a round two.

*2 weeks later*

Leo's Pov

Things were changing. Sophia was doing a bit better. Things weren't crazy with our drug deals. Scarlett and Alex were having sex.

The guards chambers are in the basement, so I never would have heard them if I hadn't been going to check on Sophia and give her some medicine. She was doing better but she wasn't 100%.

His name.
She kept moaning his name.
I could handle it when they were just kissing but now, now he was a part of her. He took her virginity.

Hundreds of girls have been in and out of this house and I had to pick the one that was permanent to fall in love with.

I couldn't stand to listen anymore.

I called the first bitch I saw in my contacts and blew off some steam.

All was well at first but it turns out even hoes don't like it when you say someone else's name while you're fucking them.

She ran out of there faster than the fucking flash.

God damn it.

Scarlett's Pov

It had been two weeks since Boss Ivanov's birthday party(Halloween). Two weeks since I lost my virginity.

Alex and I have been doing it almost every night since then.

Don't get me wrong, it's incredible, but I feel like that's all our relationship is now.

Get up. Go to work. Come home. Have sex. Repeat.

So I decided that I'm not going to do it with him tonight and I'm going to tell him how I feel. If he loves me like he says he does, he'll understand.

"Honey, I'm home" he sang walking into our room.

He kissed me and immediately started taking his clothes off, just like he had done the days prior.

A/N there is a lot of dialogue here so I'm going to label them for you guys 😊
Scarlett- "Alex I don't want to tonight."

Alex- "Why?" I didn't think he'd question it. And it kind of made me angry that he did.

Scarlett- "Because it's all we ever do now, when's the last time we had a real conversation."

Alex- "Why does it matter, we had a good thing going."

Scarlett- "No Alex you had a good thing going, you said you loved me before we had sex and now that's all you care about."

Alex- "How can you say that Scarlett, we're married"

Scarlett- "Our marriage is fake" at this point I don't care what I say.

Scarlett- "You don't love me you love sex and that is the only thing you've had on your mind since the day we got married."

Alex- "Then I'll find someone else to meet my needs."

Scarlett- "Fine!"

Alex- "Fine!"


I stormed out after that. I went to my old room feeling more furious at him than I had ever been before. Our first big fight in the almost year we've been married.

Thanksgiving is in a week. I didn't want to fight through the holidays but I'm not going to apologize first, I've done nothing wrong.

Oh well, if he doesn't come around first then we'll be mad at each other forever. And it will be exactly how it was in the beginning distant and lonely, but borderline peaceful.

Hey guys I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I'm sorry that I didn't post last week but I was hanging with the fam. There were three different Pov's in this chapter so if anyone is confused just comment any questions you have. Anyway I hope you all have great day make sure to comment, vote, check out my other stories but most importantly, stay awesome 😎😘🙂😊❤️

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