Chapter Fourteen

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My head is a mess, getting that call scared the shit out of me.

It was 4 o'clock in the morning

*Ring ring*

"What is it Leo."

"Something happened, we need you to come back right away."

"I'm on my way"

*End of call*

"We're leaving, let's go now." I said to Scarlett.

The whole car ride home was silent. The whole time I was going out of my mind, normally, if I'm not there, Leo takes care of everything, but this time he called me, and that meant it had to be bad.

As soon as we got there Leo ran up to me, "Alex it's Sophia."

We both ran into the house and Scarlett  followed suit.

We all ran into the room where Sophia was. She didn't look her normal self. She wasn't bright and bubbly like she normally was, she wasn't telling us good morning or even yelling at me to control my temper. She was dying and that was something I couldn't bare to think about.

"What happened?" Scarlett asked

"There was another shooting, i don't know if she's going to make it." Leo said

I reached over and grabbed Sophia's hand, "everyone out, now!" I whisper yelled, not wanting to wake Sophia.

I felt the thick walls I built myself start to crumble. I needed to be alone for awhile. I just looked at her for a minute, thinking about my memories with her.

Sophia is the only mother I've ever had. My mother is a manipulative, snobby, gold digging bitch. Sophia took care of me when I was sick or when my father felt the need to beat the fucking shit out of me.

This is killing me, so much in fact that I felt a tear roll down my cheek. This wasn't me, I'm Alex Di fucking Ruffalo, I'm not supposed to be soft.

I stayed with her for awhile, but then I just couldn't take it anymore.

I went downstairs to the basement and just started fucking killing people. Taking out all my emotion on these worthless, scum sucking wastes if oxygen.

All while killing them, I thought about the perfect time Scarlett and I had at the beach, how we finally got along, and how I acted when I got the call

The disappointment and the fear and the worry that flew right back into her eyes when I told her that we had to leave.

I thought about why we had to leave. There were 150 people in this dungeon and I know that 1 of their gangs is the reason that this is happening. The reason that my house is torn to shit, the reason Sophia is dying and the reason why I ruined things with Scarlett again.

After awhile of torturing and killing, I got tired. I just wanted to sleep.

I went to bedroom, and if course through all of my rage I forgot that I told Scarlett to come in here.

Her face was full of worry when she saw me drenched in blood that I knew she knew wasn't my own.

"Alex wha-"

"Piss off" I said walking into the bathroom

I can't believe I just said that to her. Things were just getting good with us and fucked it up again.

When I came out, she was lying on just a sliver of bed. Like when we first went to Anzio.

After a few days she didn't do that anymore, and I didn't have to pull her away from the edge, but I'm such a fucking douche bag that I made her do it all over again.

I laid down beside her, "I'm sorry"

Ok" she whispered back

I put my arm around her waste, hoping that had forgiven me, but she hadn't, she took my arm off of herself and moved closer to the edge.

I lied awake, not being able to sleep with her not in my arms.

I used to hate this girl, I hated her for something that wasn't even her fault, and now I can't even fall asleep without her in my arms.

She rolled over in her sleep, and I admired the way her face looked.

The way her long lashes lied on her cheeks, her full lips, the way her hair was spread all around her in a beautiful spill, how perfect she was.

She moved closer to me, wrapping her arms me and nuzzling into my chest. Perfect, the word that describes her best. Perfect.

I breathed in her sweet smell of lavender and vanilla. I loved that smell, her smell spread throughout the house, hers and mine swirling together.

I kissed her in her forehead and smiled. She hasn't been asleep this whole time.

"I thought you were asleep" I said questioning.

"I couldn't, I guess I got used to lying next to you."

"Me too"

"Can I kiss you for real now?" I asked.

"I thought you didn't need permission."

missing the way her lips felt on mine, I kissed her passionately.

She wasn't ready to go all the way so I had to come myself down.

"I'm so happy that we get along now." I told her

"Your welcome" she joked

"Hey, I'd like to think I started this"

"Oh yeah, how"

"I took you to the beach"

"Only because I told you about my ED."

"Yeah but only because I was yelling at you."

"Ti állo eínai kainoúrio"
(What else is new)

"What does that mean?" I asked


"Well it has to be mean something, so tell me."

"Or what"

Or I'll do this

I tickled her sides until she couldn't breathe.

"Ok ok ok, it means, 'what else is new'" she said while laughing.

I'd be lying if I said that didn't hurt a little. Had I really yelled at her that much.?

"You know, it's kind of hot when you speak Greek, when you roll your R's." I said kissing her neck, I knew I had to stop but I was really turned on.

"Well then I guess I won't do it anymore" she said pushing me.

This has never happened to me before.

isn't Alex just so hot, hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter, and if you did prove it by commenting and voting. I would mean a lot to me. Anyway I love you guys, have a great day/night, and most importantly, Stay Awesome. 😎 ❤️😊☺️😘😋

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