Chapter Eighteen

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What the fuck is wrong with me!?

I just got mad at her because she didn't want to have sex, which she is completely authorized to say if she wants to or not.

I don't maybe it's because I love how our bodies get wrapped together.

When she said, "you don't love me, you love sex." That shit hurt because although that might have been partially true, I love her to the ends of the earth.

She stormed out of our room and locked herself in her old one. Scarlett is shy but she's also stubborn as fuck. I knew she would never apologize first, and even if she would, she didn't do anything wrong.

I was going to apologize, but I'm going to give her some time to cool down.

A few days had gone by, she stayed in her right on when I was around, when I got home from work she rush back upstairs. Everyone could sense the tension in the house.

This is married life.

Fighting with your wife until you apologize because God knows she won't.

I decided it was time, I knocked on her door three times and she opened it in sweats and a messy bun. We fought because I was horny but shes not helping the situation looking like that, but then again Scarlett was always gorgeous.

"What do you want?" I she asked snarkly.

"I wanted to apologize, for the way I acted. I should have given you some space."

She pondered what I said for a minute. I she wrapped her arms around me "ok, I forgive you"

"You wrong though." She cocked her head to the side and gave me a confused look. "About how I don't love you, that I just love sex. I love you more than you'll ever know, even though I do love sex."

She giggled, smacked my arm, and then pulled me in for another hug.

"I don't like fighting with you" I said truthfully

"Me either"

We stood in silence for awhile, just hugging and enjoying each other's company. Until Scarlett spoke up and said, "are we hosting a Thanksgiving or are we going to your parents house?"

"We can do both if you want, my parents host theirs on the weekend so we can have ours on Thursday."

"Ok!" She said cheerfully

*One week later*

I felt her get out of bed bright and early, like 8:00 o'clock early. I'm not a morning person, not in the least but I couldn't help but smile when I saw her.

She was reading the instructions for the turkey.

Alex-"Goooooooood morning beautiful."

Scarlett-"Oh good morning." She said a little flustered

Alex-"What's wrong?"

Scarlett- " I have to gut the turkey"

Alex-"well go for it then"

She reached her hand inside the turkey.

"God this is disgusting"

First she pulled out the heart and then...


She threw it across the counter

To be honest I wasn't sure what it was either. It might have been it's dick.

Sophia, hearing all the commotion, rolled in in her wheel chair (she's doing ok now).

"That's it neck" she said nonchalantly.

And without another word she left


She slid down the counter until she was sitting on the floor. I joined her and we just laughed for 10 minutes straight.

"Well that was fun, but now I have to prep this thing."

She began preparing the turkey and I made us both some coffee.

It was blissful.

For hours we just danced around and made enough food to feed an army.

By the time people arrived the house smelled absolutely amazing and everything was picture perfect.

Everyone just talked and ate and for once everyone at that table was like a normal person.

No talk about drug deals or bank heists, we talked about things like Boss Ivanov's daughter's ballet recital and Boss Claude's son's wrestling matches with his brothers.

Everyone started to give toasts and say what they are thankful for.

Scarlett went last

"Umm I have an announcement to make. I'm, well Alex and I.
Well we're expecting a baby"

We're having a baby

Oh my god we're having a baby

"We're what, are you serious?"


I wrapped my arms around her and spun her around.

I was so happy

However, I couldn't help but notice how Leo stormed out right away.

Oh well


YAY! Their having a baby.
I hope you guys like this chapter. I thought it was adorable. Anyway comment, vote, check out my other story, have a great day, but most importantly Stay Awesome 😊😋❤️😎😘

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