Chapter Ten

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"your room?" I asked him with concern
"Well it's either that, or feel free to sleep outside. It doesn't matter to me, but those are your only options."

" The bedroom is through there, I have somewhere I have to be, I'll be back in an hour." He was leaving, wasn't this get away supposed to be to protect me?

" Um ok?"

He left about 15 minutes later to go wherever it is that he was going, I looked in the fridge for something to eat, I didn't want to, but it had been 2 days since the last time I had eaten.

After I had grabbed myself some dinner I went to bed. Laying as close to the edge as possible. I kept thinking, 'what if he has a specific side to sleep on' and 'what if he tries something while I'm asleep' but eventually I finally got to sleep.

I woke up, hours later to the sound of foot steps, and the smell of iron. I sat up, and sure enough there was Alex, drenched in blood that I know wasn't his. My father has been the don of the Greek Mafia for my entire life, and I had never seen anything like this.

A gasp escaped my lips when I saw him, he turned around to look at me.
"Not a word or you'll be next, go back to sleep."

I layed back down and tried to go to sleep, I heard the shower turn on and then a few minutes later the bed dipped down beside me. After laying there for what seemed like hours, and thinking about what Alex had just done I drifted off to sleep, again.

I woke up to Alex's arm draped over me. I tried to carefully move away, so that I didn't wake him, but he only pulled me closer. This is pretty touchy for someone that hates me so much. He was so warm and comfortable, wait what am I saying. I just saw him covered in somebody else's blood. I lifted his arm, this time not caring if he woke up, and went to take a shower.

*Alex's Pov*

An hour. An hour is how long it took for something to go wrong while I was gone. It was a shame that I had to leave already, I was actually looking forward to the next few weeks, but nobody messes with a Di Ruffalo and gets away with it. I went back to the house to do some, 'interrogating'.

"Who is your don?" I questioned the weak and pathetic scum of a man in front of me.

"I'll never tell." He spat

"Ok, fair enough. I respect your loyalty, too bad your not on my team. And although I may respect your loyalty, you don't work for my team and you've been messing with me for a while, so you're going to pay the price for your loyalties. By the time i'm done, you'll wish you would've just told me in the first place."

I grabbed the plyers off if the table, " hey do me favor, and try not to scream to much." I said just before I ripped out one of his finger nails.

After hours of brutally torturing him, he still wouldn't talk. So I'll give him a week, a week to heal and then I'll ask him again.

I returned to the beach house and walked to my room to see Scarlett sleeping on just a tiny sliver of the bed, threatening to fall off at any second. I watched her for a minute, she didn't look like a terrified little deer, she looked peaceful.

She was wearing sweatpants and her hair was in a messy bun and she didn't have any makeup on, yet she still looked beautiful. Non of the girls I've slept with have ever looked as good as her. Sure they were pretty but they weren't Scarlett.

She took a deep breath in and her brow furrowed. Her eyes fluttered open and gasp escaped her lips. Shit. "Not a word, or you'll be next, go back to sleep."

It was cruel to be treating her this way, but no weaknesses, there's already people after her I don't need to put her in more danger.

I got in the shower and let the hot water run over my body, washing all the blood off of me.

I went to bed and I could tell that she wasn't sleeping, but as soon as I knew she was, I pulled her away from the edge.

"I'll protect you." I whisper to her, and with that I fell asleep.

Hey guys, here another chapter, I'm trying to make up for the weeks I missed. If you have any guesses or suggestions for what will happen next, please comment them. Also don't forget to check out my other stories and vote.
Love you, have a great day and stay awesome. 😎😘❤️😊

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