Chapter Four

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My first day in Alexander's home. Sleep didn't come easily but at least he didn't force me to have sex with him. I hopped out of bed, took a shower, and put on some clothes. I was in the middle of doing my makeup when a knock sounded at my door, I opened it to reveal a very sweet looking woman, " good morning miss, I was wanting to know if you were coming down for breakfast." I guess she could tell I was worried by the look ony face, "Mr. Di Ruffalo left for work about an hour ago." Thank God. " Umm sure yeah." We walked down stairs together where she had made a glorious breakfast feast. I stuffed face, I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I didn't eat much at the wedding, Antonia said that since my mother died I was losing my figure and if I was going to keep Alexander happy and keep him faithful I would have to be thin. "Did you enjoy your breakfast Mrs. Di Ruffalo."
"Yes I did and please just call me Scarlett or Letty if you'd like. Also I didn't catch your name."
"Oh I'm Sophia." She reached out her small, wrinkly hand and shook mine.
"Sophia, do you know when Alexander will be back."
"Alex usually comes back around 5 unless he's... Uh busy. "
Busy with what I wonder. Murdering someone or busy getting laid.
"Oh ok. Thank you for the information and breakfast, I'm going back to my room now."
"Ok Mrs- I mean Scarlett."
I walked back up to my room and searched for something to do. I decided to do some sketching for a while and that's what I did until I heard the front door slam shut. I stood up from my bed when I heard stomping footsteps coming up the stairs. My bedroom door bursted open revealing a very tired and very angry looking Alex, " Get fucking ready, dinner with my parents in an hour." He demanded and then slammed the door behind him. This shit is getting old and it's only be a day. I decided on a green, mid length dress that flattered my body and brought out my eyes.


y door burst open again as I was putting a bobby pin in my hair.

"Hurry the fuck up or we're going to be late." God he's such a fucking dick. " Ok." He walked down the stairs and I followed suit. The car ride was silent, just like the the day before. We arrived at his parents house and were greeted by his bitchy mother and his scary father, who I'm pretty sure even Alexander was afraid of. "Scarlett you're parents should be here soon." Wait my parents are coming to this dinner, I have to say thank the gods. A knock sounded from the front door, " well that must be them now." She opened the door and my father walked in with Antonia. Everyone sat down and had some drinks while we were waiting for dinner, "miss, would you like a drink." One of the maids asked me, " Ummm can I just have a water please." She looked at me funny but then went to retrieve it. "Thank you." I told her. She'd been the only person I talked to all night. Alexander,his father mateo, and my father Perseus, were talking about there recent drug trades. Noemi and Antonia were talking about fashion or something, and then there was me sitting alone, again. Dinner was brought out and their conversations continued. I was eating my dinner while they talked until Antonia kicked my leg from under the table. The conversations seemed to stop and everyone was looking at the two of us. "Scarlett, you really shouldn't eat so much. That dress is so tight already, it won't fit by the time you leave." I set my fork down, " You're right I'm sorry, excuse me."  I got up and went to the bathroom. Mother never would have treated me this way. She was a kind soul and never cared what anyone looked like on the outside, I wonder why my father had marry Antonia or why he ever had to get remarried at all. I take back what I said about it being a good thing that they were here. I went back to the dining room to see that my plate wasn't there anymore, "Oh Letty darling, I had the maid take your plate away I hope you don't mind." Antonia said with a wicked smile, " not at all." I replied. They carried on with their nonsense, I whisked my water around in my glass and told the maid no thank you when dessert was brought out. Which was a shame because they had tiramisu and Galaktoboureko (custard in filo) just my favorite desserts of all time. After a few more drinks and an hour of goodbyes we left and went home.


God don't you think that Noemi and Antonia make such a pair, their both just so bitchy and neither Alex nor Perseus did anything to stop Antonia when she said that Scarlett was fat. But I guess we'll just have to see how the cookie crumbles. I really I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and remember I post every Wednesday. As always don't forget to vote, comment  Anyway I love you all, thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day. ❤️😘🥰😊

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