Chapter Two

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Neither of us said a word to each other the entire way to the reception. When we got to the hall, he ran around the car and opened my door for me, as we made our way up the stairs he put his hand on the small of my back, undoubtedly for the press. When we walked inside it was absolutely gorgeous, a huge chandelier hung from the ceiling and there were tables spread across the room, one had
' Mr. & Mrs. Di Ruffalo' written on it.

We made our way to our table and people immediately came over and started to congratulate us. Alexander was on his phone and couldn't give two shits so I plastered a fake smile on my face and thanked everyone. I was told that nobody was supposed to know that this was arranged but Alexander didn't seem to care.

The speeches started and when they ended the Dj announced that it was time for our first dance. Alex stood up from his chair and took my hand in his and he lead me to the dance floor. This is dreadful, I'm dancing with a man that I don't even know in a ball gown that weighs 100 pounds with people I don't even know looking at me. I guess he could tell that I was freaking out because he said " Don't look so distraught, you're Di Ruffalo now and I don't need you tarnishing our family name, do you understand." I shook my head yes, he put his index finger under my chin and made me look him in his eyes, "use your tongue" he demanded " yes, I understand" I replied "good"

we danced to the song, that I hadn't known at all. It was in complete Italian. When the song ended it was time for the father daughter dance, I wasn't close with my father but at least I knew him, him and Antonia were the only two people here that I knew. Thes- Dimitri Mitropanos, a Greek song for the father daughter dance began to play, " o pateras favmoi." (Father I'm scared) I told him. " xéro óti eísai, allá prépei na to káneis aftó gia tin oikogéneia." (I know you are but you have to do this for the family)
"se agapó patéra" (I love you father) I told him, I felt the need to. I was probably never going to see him again so I needed him to know that I loved him. "se agapó sto mikró mou kríno" ( I love you too my little fire lily.) It had been a long time since he called me that, it was because of my red hair when I was little.

I never really showed much emotion but I tear slipped when I heard him say that. The song ended and we went back to our tables, the night went on, people danced and talked, at least some people were having fun, Alex hadn't said a word to me all night and I was still thanking people for him. He only spoke to me to tell me not to ruin his reputation. He got up from his seat and went to talk to people who I can only assume are his friends. " Scarletta" someone said beside me. An older Italian woman who I assume is Alex's mother, she looked like him. " Yes" " I am Alexander's mother, my name is Noemi but you will call me Mrs. Di Ruffalo, I am here to talk to you about my sons needs, you will give him anything and everything he wants whenever he tells you to. Including his sexual needs, you will make him dinner and you will look presentable whenever you are around him, do you understand."  Ok so my mother in law is a total fucking bitch. I nodded yes. " Use your tounge we don't need you tarnishing our family reputation. " It seemed to be something this family said a lot " yes, I understand." Seemed to be something I was saying a lot.

The wedding was held in Italy so when the reception ended, Alex and I would go to his house in rome. I was scared to say the least, what if he did want me to fulfill is sexual needs, I'm a virgin. Pathetic I know but I've never really been anywhere or have had the chance to know anyone. We said our goodbyes and drove to his house. "Get out" he demanded I got out of the car and we walked to the house. Was this going to be it, am I going to lose my virginity??

Oh shit...
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