Chapter Twenty

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"Hey babe, I have to go out of town for a few days." Alex said

I wasn't thrilled that he was going to talk about weapons and drugs considering the fact that I'm pregnant, but there's no way of talking him out of it.

"Ok. when are you leaving?"

"In a few hours"

"Wow, that's really soon"

"Yeah, normally the guys would handle it their own but there's been some stuff going on in that area so I'm gonna make sure that everything is running smoothly."

"Well then I guess we should get you packed."

We packed his suitcase together and then we went to the airport (more like the place he keeps his private jet)

"I'll be back in a few days."

"I know, stay safe"

"I will"


He smiled and shook his head, "I promise"


"I love you Scarlett" I loved the way my name sounded from his lips.

He leaned down and kissed my belly, "I love you little one"

"We love you too"

After he boarded the plain I went home. But when I walked in, everything was dark.

I walked around flipping light switches but nothing was working.

There weren't any guards anywhere either. When I walked into bedroom, someone came up behind me and put a cloth over my mouth, and then I blacked out.


"Boss, you better get back here" it was Leo.

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Something happened, I came back from my ma's house. The house is completely dark, none of the guys are here."

Shit. God fucking damn it.

I'm gone for 12 hours and already everything's gone to shit.

"I'm on my way."

I swear to fucking God, if anything happened to my Scarlett, I'm going to tear the fucking world apart.

"Turn around, we have to go back" I told the piolet. (More like yelled but I'm stressed out)

As soon as we landed I jumped in my car and sped home.

I busted through the front door.

"What the fuck happened"

There were guards everywhere, typing, talking on the phone, everything was frantic, which meant this wasn't any small thing.

"Some rat dropped a chloroform bomb, we were tending our posts, then out of no where Marchetti fainted and then Benedetti one by one we were dropping the flies."

"Where the fuck is Leo?"

"Don't know boss, he was here yesterday afternoon but I haven't see him since."

"I left here at 1:00pm.When did all of this go down?"

"About 2:30 sir"

"When was Leo here"

"I don't know, Yo Longo , when was Leo here?"

" 'round 2:15"

I didn't want to believe it.

My right hand man

My childhood best friend

Betrayed me, and for what.

"Start looking for him, no one rests until he's found and Scarlett is safe."

I was restless

It's been days, and still nothing.

I was pacing around my room when Benedetti burst in.

"Sir, we found her."

"where is she?"

"Egypt sir."

"How long does it take to get there?"

"3 hours"

"Get the plane ready, we're leaving immediate. Tell everyone to pack their guns, were leaving in an hour."

"Yes sir"


I woke up in dark room, bound to a chair.

It took a minute for my eyes to adjust but when I looked around their was man standing on the corner.

"Well well well, the princess is awake." The man said with a deep voice and thick accent

"What do you want from me."

"Oh nothing to serious, I just want Alex to give me ransom, his weapons, his drugs, and your baby. No big deal."

"You're not gonna fucking touch my baby." The man walked towards me and smacked me across the face.

"You don't have a choice in the matter. You are hidden in place that Alex will never find. I will keep you here until I get all those things, 9 months minimum."

I needed Alex. There's a tracking device in my wedding ring but it wasn't on my finger. They my jewelry, my phone, anything of value, anything that Alex might be able to track me with.

"Anyway I have business to tend to, don't go anywhere." He chuckled as he left the room."

I sat there for hours, and every second I sat there I hated the mafia more and more. This isn't how I wanted my baby grow up.

I don't want to be in constant fear that something might happen to them. I would have to worry about that later, I have to get out of here.

God damn it Alex.

Where are you?

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