Chapter One

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My father called me into his office, that could only mean bad news. "Scarlett" he called, "Yes father" I asked "Have a seat." He demanded. I did as I was told, my father was a different man after my mother died. "So as you know our mafia and the Italian Mafia have been in a feud for the past few decades, however we have decided to call a truce and you will be marrying the heir to the thrown in 3 weeks." My jaw practically hit the floor, I was speechless. "You may leave now." He told me. I walked out of his office with nothing to say. I stayed in my room and thought about what he had told me. I was going to marry a perfect stranger, I Don't know his name, what he looks like, his personality, nothing. I stuck around when my mother died 3 years ago, to help my father, I should have left the moment he remarried, because I'm willing to bet anything that this was my step mother's idea. I'm going to have to make the most of the next three weeks, because let's be honest. It's probably the only freedom I'm ever going to have.


3 weeks later

My step mother, Antonia, has been planning my wedding for me, well her and my future mother in law, who I have yet to meet. They planned everything from the flowers to the food to my dress. It was a beautiful dress but I just didn't feel like me.

Of course it had to be the most grand dress they could possibly find. In the mafia it's go big or go home and that meant it had to cost no less than $100,000 and weigh no less than 60 pounds. "Remember try not to eat so much at the reception, I wouldn't want you breaking the corset." Antonia told me "I know" just then my father walked in, "it's time" he announced. I had at least wanted him to be a little emotional on my wedding day but he had gone cold. "Okay" I said I grabbed my bouquet and took my father's arm. The quartet started to play and the doors opened to reveal a beautiful church with a huge crowd of people and a tall, handsome man at the end of the isle. My father and I made our way down the isle and I kept my head down the whole time to avoid looking into all the eyes that seemed to pierce into me. We reached the end of the isle, my father lifted my veil, kissed my cheek, and whispered in my ear," be good to him and maybe he'll be good to you." I nodded at his statement. He lowered my veil again and then placed my hand into my soon to be husband's.

The priest started with the ceremony, "Do you Alexander Michelangelo Di Ruffalo take thee Scarlett Evangeline Aetos to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to god's holy ordinance and thereto pledge thy faith." He slid a ring onto my ring finger, " I do"
" And do you Scarlett Evangeline Aetos take thee Alexander Michangelo Di Ruffalo to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do you part, according to god's holy ordinance and thereto pledge thy faith." I looked into his deep blue eyes and then at the crowd of people, I sighed, " I do." And I slid  the wedding band onto his ring finger.

"By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Here it was the part I dreaded the most, but before I even had a chance to think he had his lips on mine. The crowd erupted in cheer, we pulled away and he took my small hand in his large one and we made our way back down the isle to the car and then to the reception, and the car ride there was awkward to say the least.


Hey guys if you liked this chapter continue reading and let me know how you feel in the comments or if you have any suggestions throughout the book. Please don't forget to vote. Thanks you guys love you and have an awesome day.❤️😊🥰😘

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