Chapter Nineteen

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A goddamn, mother fucking baby!

Any chance I have ever had with Scarlett is gone now.

Their bound now. Not just by marriage, not just because they have sex, no they're bound by blood now.

As soon as I heard their news I stormed to my room.

I had to come up with a plan to fix this.

The next morning, I walked into the kitchen, and of course everyone was there.

"Hey Alex, ma called. I've got to go home for a few weeks, is that ok."

I knew he'd say yes, I've never seen him in such a good mood.

"Yeah sure whatever"

Little did he know, I wasn't going home to visit ma, I was going to the Egyptian Mafia.

That's right.

I know exactly who's been fucking us sideways for almost a year now.

Stealing money, taking drugs and weapons that don't belong to um' and even the people who shot Sophia. It was all the Egyptians.

Alex never would have expected it either. He thinks the Egyptians and the Italians are friends. Wrong my friend.

I finished my coffee and ran downstairs to start packing.

I grabbed more weapons and money than clothes.

I hopped on my bike and made my way to the airport.

*In Egypt*

As soon as I arrived in their head quarters, a dozen armed men charged at me with guns.

"la tutliquu alnaar , ladaya maelumat ean al'iitaliiyn"
(Don't shoot, I have information on the Italians)

A booming voice sounded from behind them.

"albanadiq 'iilaa 'asfala!"
(Guns Down !)

"ma hi almaelumat alati lidayk?"
(What information do you have?)

"skarlit aris , zawjat 'aliksandar di rufalu. anaha hamili. anaha satunjib waritha"
(Scarlett Ares, Alexander Di Ruffalo's wife, she's pregnant, she going to produce an heir.)

"ya tifl taqul , ealayna aliahtimam bidhalika."
(Ohhhh a baby you say, we'll have to take care of that.)

I thought about what he had said, and I decided, if I couldn't have Scarlett, no one could.

So we started devising a plan.

Scarlett's Pov

It made me happier than anyone will ever know, that Alex was so over the moon about this baby.

In fact he was writing names when I woke up this morning.

Scarlett- "Emily, that's not happening" I said, startling him.

Alex- "Oh you're up, and what's wrong with Emily?"

Scarlett- "I just don't like it, it's basic"

Alex- "Fine, we can cross Emily off the list then."

Scarlett- "Do you think it's a boy or a girl."

Alex- " I don't know, and I don't care either, just as long as they're healthy." He said kissing my stomach

Scarlett- "you wanna go get some breakfast."

Alex- " yeah come on." He said helping me out of bed

Recovering from my eating disorder has been really hard. Alex has been helping me a lot, some days were better than others, but now I have a baby to think of. After seeing how happy Alex was and how happy we could all be together, I decided very quickly that I would do whatever it takes to make this baby happy and healthy.

"So what do you want for breakfast?" Alex asked

"I didn't know you could cook."

"You learn something new every day. So what'll it be."

"Chocolate chip pancakes please."

"Coming right up"

As we were eating he asked, "So what names do you like."

"I'm not sure, I'm not sure if their name should be Greek, Italian, or something different."

"Hmmm, well I guess we'll figure it out later."


I woke up really early this morning, earlier than normal.

If you could call it waking up. I had barley slept, I was to excited about the baby.

Scarlett already looked more glowy than normal, and she wasn't even showing yet.

I can't wait until she does. Shes going to look adorable.

I know I'm supposed to be this big and bad Mafia boss but I honestly can't wait to go shopping for baby clothes and build a nursery.

No matter what, I will always protect that baby. They'll never want for anything.

This baby will have a better father than I had and I am so glad that Scarlett is the mother.

Hey guys thanks for reading, I hope that anyone who celebrates had a happy Hanukkah. I really hoped that everyone liked this chapter. I'm not sure if I'm going to update next week or not just because it's so close to Christmas but I guess we'll find out. Anyway be sure to check out my other story, comment, vote, and most importantly Stay Awesome 😎😘🙂😊❤️🥰😍🤪

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