Chapter Twelve

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Alex's Pov

I felt bad that I had pushed her to eat, but how was I supposed to know that she had an eating disorder. I took a deep breath and walked towards her, as one of the only people that has ever stood up to me, I feel like I owe her an apology.

I sat down beside her, sighing again. She didn't speak but she acknowledged my presence. "I'm sorry that I yelled at you." I said.
"It's fine" she told me. It definitely wasn't fine, she just didn't want to have to deal with me.

"How old were you whe-"
"14" she interrupted
"I went to birthday party for this girl, I didn't know her but my parents knew her parents. This one girl, she was about my size and anytime she tried to grab something that wasn't healthy they'd laugh and make fun of her. I went home that night and just sat in front of the mirror for hours, pointing out all of my flaws and writing down how I could fix them. When my mom found out, I got help, but then she died and I stopped going to therapy, not long after Antonia came along and well you know how she is."

I didn't know just how to feel about this, except I did, fucking pissed off is how I should feel, but I didn't want to make her more upset, so I just let it go.

I let out one more breath, trying to calm myself down. "Wanna go to the beach?" I asked her. She didn't answer, she just sat there and looked down at her stomach, "um" she said to herself, like she was battling her own mind. "Come on." I grabbed her hand and took her to the house. "Here take these." I said giving her something to wear.

She walked into the bathroom and then came out wearing one of my shirts.
"Holy shit 🤤" I said out loud.

She wrapped her arms around her stomach and crossed her legs, trying to cover herself up more

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She wrapped her arms around her stomach and crossed her legs, trying to cover herself up more.

"You ready to go" I asked trying to snap myself out of it.

"Yeah" she answered.

I grabbed the bag with all the beach necessities and we left.

When we got to the beach, there was a plethora of men staring at her and she didn't even noticed. I grabbed her hand to show them that she was mine.

After we sat our stuff down I said, "come on let's go swimming"

She looked at me like I was crazy, "it'll be fine". She nodded and took the shirt off.


if people weren't staring before, they definitely were now

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if people weren't staring before, they definitely were now. I took her hand and walked into the ocean.

" Turn around" I told her, she did as I asked her without question.
"Now hold your breath."
"Wait wha-"
She barley got out as I dunked her in the water. She back up her hair sopping wet. "What the hell Alex"
I stood there laughing until she splashed me.

" Hahaha someones got guts"

She began laughing, an adorable laugh I might add.

We played like that for hours, and she wasn't scared of me or stepping on eggshells, worried of what might happen if she did something wrong. Little did she know, I'd never do anything to hurt her.

There was a point where I was watching the sun set, she came up behind me, and pulled me under.

I came back up and she just looked, happy.

"You're not gonna get me back." She asked
"No I'm gonna get you back, you're just not gonna know when."

"You cold?" I asked
"No." She said with blue lips.
"Yes you are." I said pulling her into my chest

"Thank you" she whispered
"No problem"

We walked back up to the beach house and put on some warm clothes.

We started watching Hocus Pocus, Scarlett's favorite movie, together, but by the end of the movie, I was feeling some kind of way. So I leaned over and kissed her.

oooooo things are starting to heat up, 🥵🔥🌶️.Hey guys thanks so much for reading, and I don't update late this week, aren't you proud 😂.
Anyway check out my other stories, remember to vote and comment. I love you all so much, have a great day, and remember stay awesome 😎😘🙂❤️

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