Chapter Fifteen

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Alex and I had made up, we were kissing and talking, but I can't forget about the way he acted towards me when I hadn't even done anything wrong. I forgive him, I know he's stressed out, but I'm not just going to give myself to him.

"Alex, that's enough."

He huffed and stopped kissing me.
"You know Scarlett, you are the only woman that has ever rejected me. It's kind of a turn on."

"Go to sleep." I said rolling my eyes and laughing.

"How can I sleep with such a beautiful woman next to me."

"You know what you're right."
I saw the joy in his eyes when I said that. Men. 🙄.

To his surprise however, I got out of bed and began walking to the door.

He hopped out of bed grabbing my wrist and spinning me towards his chest.

"Now where do you think you're going?"

"Somewhere else, so you can sleep."

"Well maybe I don't want to sleep"

"Well maybe I do" I said pushing him away

" Fine, but please stay in here."


We got back into bed and Alex pulled me close to him again.

"It's too hot" I said pushing him away.

He huffed, got out of bed and open the windows.

"There" he said pulling me in again

"Ok, go to sleep"

I woke up the next morning to find that Alex wasn't next to me.

I figured he was with Anna so I just let him be.

I walked into the kitchen where all the guys were and began feeling uncomfortable. Not because of anything they did.

I mean it might be because they kill people, but so does Alex. I've just never been around the guys without him.

"Good morning" I said announcing myself, trying to make the situation less awkward.

"Good morning"Leo said

As I was drinking my coffee and attempting to read the news paper (it was all in Italian) Leo's phone rang.

After he got off the phone he put his head down and sighed, "when you're done, get dressed, Alex told me to take you shopping for Boss Ivanov's birthday party tomorrow."

Mafia bosses have birthday parties?

"Um ok"

I ran upstairs, got dressed, and then we were on our way.

We arrived at a place called, 'Boutique di abiti da cerimonia di Francesca'
(Francesca's Formal Gown Boutique)

We arrived at a place called, 'Boutique di abiti da cerimonia di Francesca'(Francesca's Formal Gown Boutique)

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So many dresses...

Leo and I shopped for hours and I could tell how annoyed he was getting by the look on his face. I tried on dress after dress and got his opinion for everyone, this is more difficult than I thought it would be.

Leo's Pov

I hate that I have to be here with her. I've hated having her around all together. Not because she is unpleasant, but because she isn't.
But how can I tell Alex, my boss and my best friend that, I am in love with his wife.

She tried on dress after dress after dress, and I had to sit there a and pretend to be annoyed when I love seeing her in those dresses.

It really annoyed me when she would say things like,

"This color washes me out"

"This one shows too much"

"This one doesn't show enough"

"This one makes me look fat"

But the one that annoyed me most was,

"Do you think Alex would like this one?"

I shouldn't be acting like this, he had her first,but I can't help it.

I find myself resenting him for it though, like it was actually his fault that they married.

But no matter how much I resented him or loved her,I will never say anything, because he is my friend and a Mafia boss, and I'd like to keep my face the way it is thank you.

After what seemed like 1,000 dresses, she came out, "what about this one?" She asked.

It was different than the other gown she wore, lavender with black lace on it, matching beautifully with her skin tone

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It was different than the other gown she wore, lavender with black lace on it, matching beautifully with her skin tone.

It hugged her every curve and accentuated all her best attributes.

"Hmmm I don't know, would Alex like it?"

There it was.
That stupid question, snapped me out and of my trance.
"Yes, get that one so we can go "

She dressed and went back home.

When we walked in, guess who was standing there with a bouquet of red lilies ( Scarlett's favorite)

When we walked in, guess who was standing there with a bouquet of red lilies ( Scarlett's favorite)

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That stupid son of a bitch.

Plot twist!

Hey guys sorry for the late update, I hope you liked the chapter though. You know the drill, anyway love you, have a great day, and most importantly, stay awesome!

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