8 - move your ass!

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[stefaniya's pov]

I'm back in my black Red Room-issued Widow suit, while Natasha and Yelena wore matching white suits. It was kind of cute, like how parents tend to dress their twin children in matching outfits. But I guess every Widow wore the same suit in the Red Room, so it's nothing new to me.

Natasha looks very pretty; she has her hair down in curls from her previous dutch braid, accentuated with tiny braids down the sides. Yelena now had her hair in a dutch braid twist. How the sisters managed to do their hair so perfectly on a moving helicopter remains a mystery. I opted for a simple double ponytail like the one Yelena had on earlier.

The helicopter, being flown by both Yelena and I, hovers over the prison. Natasha had been sitting in the back, just in case she needed to get down there to assist in the escape. She is now standing behind my seat, looking at a screen with the layout of the prison, a red dot moving around with the earpiece Alexei had.

"Today's your lucky day, Alexei,"
Natasha spoke into the comms.
"Move down the south wall."

The red dot moves further down the screen.

"Now go left. Just don't make a scene."

The red dot moves again, only this time it stops in the middle of the hallway for a few moments before moving again.

"You made a scene, didn't you?"
Natasha says, unimpressed.

The red dot travels across the scene to what should be the courtyard. I look out my window and see a man-- Alexei-- standing there.

"What now?"
Alexei asks.

"We're getting you out of here."

"Uh... Guys?"
I see prisoners and guards running out the doors from all directions, surrounding Alexei. An alarm blares as guards began shooting at the prisoners.

"Go to the upper level,"
Natasha instructs.

A ball of fire narrowly misses Alexei as he gains speed.

"Move your ass, super soldier."

I wince, watching as Alexei falls onto the snow from seven feet up on the side of a wall.

"He's never going to make it,"
Yelena says.

"Have faith, Yelena,"
I say softly.

"Get me closer,"
Natasha orders. Yelena looks at her questioningly. 
"You got a better idea?"

Natasha takes off her headphones and moves to the side of the helicopter, sliding open the door. A breeze of cold air rush in, making me shudder. A rope is already rigged up, so Natasha grabs her weapons and holds onto the end of the rope, lowering down to the platform.

She swings up, backflips, then lands in her fighting stance.

"Such a poser."
"She's so cool."
Yelena and I say in unison. Yelena smirks at what I said.


"You like my sister."

"Yeah, she's nice."

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