2 - nothing like it

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[natasha's pov]

I step into the Black Widow facility, converted from an old hotel, feeling a little lost as I had only visited once since being back on the run. Melina happened to be in the lobby and almost walks right past me before doing a double take.


"Hi, Melina,"
I smile, hugging her.
"Unfortunately, I can't stay for long. I'm waiting on Stefaniya and Yelena to get back from their mission."

"Ah, they are about three minutes out,"
Melina shows me a tablet tracking their jet.
"What are you needing them for?"

"It's a situation with the Avengers. Stefaniya agreed to help out."

"Ah, okay. Well, I have work to get back to. Please stay safe, okay?"

"I will, mom."

I freeze.

Melina only smiles wider.
"Take care of Stefaniya for us."
With that, she walks away into the elevator.

I actually don't feel weird about the slip up. It felt natural to me, like falling back into old habits. I turn around at the sound of the front door opening and I'm met with a squeal and blurs of black, purple, and blonde hair rushing towards me.

"Hey, there, okay-- ouch, who knocked me in the chin? Yelena-- Stef--"

"Calm down, girls,"
a voice I recognized as Alexei's comes from behind us.
"Give Natasha some air, huh?"

Yelena noogies me on my head while Stefaniya gives me the happiest smile I've possibly ever seen.

"Welcome back, Natasha. We're preparing for dinner, join. We have donuts,"
Alexei motions to me.

"I'm sorry, I can't stay. Rain check?"

"Okay, okay. Go save the world, my little Natasha,"
Alexei gives me a pat on the back.

"Thanks, Alexei. Let's go, Stefaniya."

Stefaniya says her goodbyes and follows me out. Yelena whistles after me and I whistle back. I smile at the new Widows who had come in with Yelena and Stefaniya a few moments earlier.

I unclasp the chain around my neck and hold it out to Stefaniya. She gasps.

"You still wear it?"

I hand it off to her.
"It reminds me of you."

Her cheeks grow pink as she shyly meets my gaze.

"Thank you for keeping it safe for me."

"Of course."
I keep my eyes on Stefaniya, admiring her languid, carefree energy.
"You look different."

"I haven't been sleeping, thanks for noticing,"
she touches the dark skin under her eye, chuckling.

"No, not that. I mean, you look happier."

Stefaniya looks into my eyes.
"I am. Now I understand what you see in being an Avenger. Changing people's lives for the better. Undoing the evil in the world."

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