15 - it was real to me, too

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[yelena's pov]

"Yelena, Stefaniya!"

Natasha's voice brings me out of my daze. I feel Stefaniya's hand repeatedly squeezing mine, so I know that she's okay without having to look at her.

Natasha sits down and holds the side of my head. I slowly open my eyes and smile.

"We are both upside down."

Natasha tears up at the familiar phrase. She helps me sit upright and rests her forehead against mine.

"Forgive me little sister,"
Natasha speaks in Russian, then switches back to English.
"I should've came back for you."

"You don't have to say that,"
Yelena shakes her head.

"Hey, hey. It was real to me, too."

That. That was what I wanted to hear. Everything I've ever wanted to hear.

I press a kiss to her wrist and pull her into a hug. She cries over my shoulder, sniffling.

I hear a muffled groan next to me and pull away from Natasha's hug to see a pained Stefaniya digging a bullet out of her arm. She inspects it before slipping it into her pocket, then notices that we were watching her.

"What? So I keep a collection of the bullets I've been shot with. Sue me."

Natasha chuckles.

Stefaniya continues to stare at Natasha in pure disbelief.

Natasha asks.

"H-How... How are you still alive?!"
Stefaniya's voice cracks.

A laugh bubbles out of Natasha's throat.
"Come here, dummy."

I move in to join the group hug, reeling in the fact that my big sister and my most favorite person in the world has finally met.

"I'm so fucking tired,"
I shamelessly admit.

"Oh, a nap sounds so good right now,"
Stefaniya mumbles against Natasha's shoulder.

Two sets of footsteps growing closer breaks up our hug and we look over to see Melina walking stiffly while Alexei supported her. We meet up halfway.

"Everybody good?"
Natasha asks, although the answer was pretty obvious.

"I am clearly injured,"
Melina dryly says.

"You got something to say?"

"I'd just mess it up,"
Alexei shakes his head. He holds out his hand, grasping Natasha's.

Stefaniya breathes in and out next to me, catching her breath.
"Wait. Hold on, I think we brushed past this too quickly. How the hell are we still alive? After all that? It's-- That should be nearly impossible. Did Red Room give us superpowers or some shit?"

I hear Natasha chuckle next to me.

"Remember that blue stuff they used to shoot us up with?"


"Super soldier serum,"
Natasha and I said together.

"Like... Like Captain America?"

"I'll explain to you later."

A string of vehicles rush in, getting closer to us. Definitely the work of Secretary Ross.

"Here comes the cavalry,"
Natasha sighs.

"So, what's our plan?"
Melina asks.

"You guys go. I'll stay."

My heart skips a beat. This will be the last time I'll see my sister. At least, for a while.

It still hurts and I don't know why. I've gone more than three-fourths of my life without her. And after just a week with her, the pain of saying goodbye is just as strong as the day they separated us back in 1995.

"That's insanity. We fight. We fight with you,"
Alexei objects.

"I'll hold them off."

"Natasha, we fight."
"We can't split up."
"You're so pigheaded."
"That's a load of B.S."
Stefaniya, Melina, Alexei, and I talk over each other.

"You guys, go."

"Oh, my god."

"Besides, if it can work out with the four-- five of us, you know, there may be some hope for the Avengers."
Natasha holds up her hand, holding a little bit of space between her thumb and pointer finger.
"Little bit."

I sigh, unbuckling my green vest.
"Okay, well, if you're leaving, then I guess you should take this. I know how much you like it."

Natasha smiles, taking it.
"It does have a lot of pockets."

"Very handy pockets, yeah,"
I smile.

A/N: in case you didn't know what I was talking about:

A/N: in case you didn't know what I was talking about:

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⬆️ Super soldier serum

⬆️ Seen in opening credit scene of Black Widow

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⬆️ Seen in opening credit scene of Black Widow

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