5 - sorry for your loss...-es.

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[stefaniya's pov]

All of the phone lines were down across the world, so I nearly bite Steve's head off to get him to take a detour on our way back to the Avengers facility.

Now out from my previous state of shock, I jog-- limp, really-- into the lobby of the Widow facility. Natasha follows closely behind.

"Yelena? Melina, Alexei? Irina?"
I shout, waiting for someone, anyone to reply.

"Over here,"
Natasha motions me over to an office. She pulls up the heat signatures on the computer and it only counts 94 of the usual two hundred-ish Widows that lived here.


I whip around to see Irina standing on the stairs.

"You're still here! Where is Yelena?"

Irina drops her head.
"She's gone. So are Melina and Alexei, I'm so sorry."

I bring my hand to my mouth muffling a sob, the loss and exhaustion of today setting in. Natasha slips her arm around my waist in a side hug and I lean against her body.

"How many others?"
Natasha asks quietly.

Irina clears her throat.
"About a hundred and three gone from this facility, Miss Romanoff. Phone lines, everything is down and we haven't been able to reach the Widows that relocated."

Natasha nods and sweeps some of my hair out of my face.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll get them back."

I'm too tired to reply.

"If you need to get back to the Avengers, we can hold down the fort here,"
Irina says.

Natasha nods.
"We would really appreciate that, thank you."

"It's not a problem. And I'm sorry for your loss...-es."

Natasha mumbles. She guides me out of the building and back onto the jet.

Steve is about to talk when he recognizes the pained look on mine and Natasha's faces.

"I'm so sorry--"

"Save it,"
I bitterly cut him off. I lay down across a chair and shut my eyes. I hear Natasha's soft, calculated footsteps grow closer.


"Please leave me alone."

She doesn't reply, but I hear her walk away. I feel guilty for pushing her away, but I don't even have the energy to do anything about it.


I don't remember falling asleep, but when Natasha gently shakes me awake, we're in Manhattan outside the Avengers facility. I can feel my brain switching to autopilot and I absentmindedly follow behind Natasha into the building, not really thinking about anything or listening to what Steve and Rhodey are saying.

Next thing I know, I'm sitting in some sort of medical room and Natasha is finishing stitching up the stab wound in my leg from fighting Proxima. She sticks a bandage onto the skin and throws the used gauze into the trash. I stand up and place my hands on Natasha's shoulders, turning us around so she stood in front of the bed.

"You need stitches on your arm,"
I say quietly.

"No, it's okay--"

"You need stitches on your arm."
I stare straight into Natasha's eyes, letting her know that I was serious. She sits herself onto the mattress and unzips her suit to pull her arm out of the sleeve. I prep another set of supplies and start stitching up her arm, apologizing each time she stiffened or hissed from the pain.

"I'm sorry about your family."

Natasha looks up at me with sad eyes.
"They were your family, too."

I finish up the rest of the stitches in silence. I don't look at Natasha's face until I'm done, and when I do, I notice the tear streaks running down her face.

I whisper. She lets out a heartbreaking sob. I pull her into a hug and she presses her face to my collarbone.
"I've got you. Let it all out. We'll be okay. We'll get them back-- we'll get them all back, I promise."

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