9 - a new addition

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2 years since the Snap
[stefaniya's pov]

"Natasha, where are you?"
I call out.


Of course, she is. Why do I even ask?

"Hi, there."

Natasha briefly glances up at me and smiles before turning back to her computer. I sigh and walk over to sit on her lap, shielding her eyes from the screen. She moves her hands around my waist.

"Give me attention, please?"

Natasha chuckles.
"You always have my attention. And was last night not enough?"

I say seriously.

she matches my tone.

"The screen isn't going to change the longer you stare at it."

"I need to be here in case one of the others need something."

"It's been two years and no one has had an emergency yet. And I think that they can handle without you for an hour or two."

"An hour or two?"
Natasha smirks.
"What would we be doing for an hour or two?"

I kiss along her jawline and move to whisper in her ear. Now I legitimately feel bad for leading her on.
"I wanna go to the animal shelter."

Natasha groans and lightly pushes me.
"Stef, that was mean!"

"Nat, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,"
I say in between my laughter.
"Aw, no, don't pout."

Natasha crosses her arms and slumps against her chair.

"But can we please go to the animal shelter?"
I ask shyly.

Natasha stares at me for a moment before her lips curl up in a smile.
"How could I say no to that face?"

I squeal.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

I get off of Natasha's lap and pull her up from her chair, practically dragging her out of the door.

Life has been getting a little bit better every day. Society is returning to their new normal, the streets of New York have been filling up. I've been seeing a therapist for my PTSD, which took a lot of convincing from Natasha but I gave in. I've finally managed to track down the surviving Widows who were still mind controlled and freed them. They lived with the other Widows in the Black Widow facility and while I don't live there with them anymore, Natasha and I visit once every month to help out.

Natasha and I are doing really great. We still have some work to do together, but life is so much brighter with her by my side. We make an effort to go out once a week, somewhere away from a screen and a desk. Our most preferred activity-- scratch that, second most preferred-- is to go to the animal shelter and pet every single animal.

We take one of the many cars Tony left stored in the garage of the Avengers facility. Natasha and I both have taken a liking to a vintage ocean-blue convertible. We blast music while driving through the streets of New York to the animal shelter, the wind blowing through our hair.

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