8 - not dead. not yet

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[stefaniya's pov]

A bright light meets my eyes when I open them.

No, I mean, a literal light on the ceiling. I'm not dead.

I think?

No. Not dead.

Well, not yet, at least.


I turn my head to a red-eyed Natasha. She's been crying.

She thought I was dead.

She thought I was dead!

"Nat, I'm so, so, sorry. I didn't know--"

Natasha leans in and our lips press together. I smile softly when she pulls back.

"Please don't do that to me again,"
she whispers.

"Uh... actually, funny story..."

And that leads to everyone-- minus Tony and Bruce, who Rhodey informed me was working on the Infinity gauntlet-- sitting in my room while I retold the full story.

"The Red Room scientists would occasionally pump us full of these weird liquids. Every girl got the Red Room's variation of the Super Serum--"

"Super Serum?"
Steve interrupts me.
"As in--"

"Yes, the same one that you and Bucky got."

"Natasha, you have it too?"
Rhodey asks Natasha.

Natasha nods.

I continue.
"So, there was one day when they gave me a different serum. It was like, a yellow, orangy color. I know it was different because the Super Serum was blue. So, anyway, I didn't really feel anything from it, so I thought it was just some new one they were testing."

"They just test on their most gifted students like that?"
Scott asks.

"No, they only tested new serums on the weaker girls because they didn't want to risk complications with their--"
I stop myself.
"Oh my god, they thought I was weak?!"

"Keep going, babe,"
Natasha tries to get me to move on.

"They thought I was... then why didn't they just kill me?"

"Well, seeing as the serum worked on you, they probably kept you around because you had an extra advantage,"
Scott says. He drops his gaze to the ground when Natasha sends him an angry glare.

"Okay, ouch. Well, anyway, after I jumped off the cliff on Vormir, I woke up and I was back at the top of the mountain. Except, Natasha wasn't there anymore."

"I'm so sorry that I left you,"
she says sadly.

"Nat, you didn't even know I was alive. It's not your fault."

"But I felt you. Some part of me told me that you were still alive, but I was so hurt that I didn't go and look for you."

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